Why does the stupid want to only hack FB?

9 years ago


First off, where is the pot of gold for hacking FB? This is the only reason why I think all of these idiots want to hack FB.

Second, do you think the guy who is asking me to help him hack FB gets that he is going to be screwed with if he ask people who actually work or worked as hackers?


you know hack a facebook account[/b]


What is FB



why would you want a book for your face

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Just ignore and block them @crua9


9 years ago


ignore and block myself? or are you telling others to block me?

I posted this because I get asked every few days on how to hack FB. I don’t understand why that’s the only thing people want to do.

9 years ago


I don’t have this issue TBH, got asked once to hack a LEGO-related game on the CTF IRC but kindly pointed out the risks this presented and pointed the kid to a link explaining how to use Google.
Where the hell do you hangout with that same name? :D
That’s lacking some security bro.

And just ignore or rekt those kids if they annoy you this much.

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9 years ago


FB also takes a lot of info from your machine on the background.
Never fool around on it during your work… :P
Also the kid’s question was quite direct so I think this kid is planning on some sort of “revenge” on someone or just wants to look cool.

Hence I’d direct this kid to sites explaining how to use Google and hand some links to sites that explain how much of a cunt he/she is for even trying to hack FB without any experience.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Don’t worry @crua9, you are not alone bro :p

[quote=makers]Sir how to hack facebook account please help me[/quote]

[quote=unxxxn]hi sir


can u help me to get back my account facebook ?[/quote]

[quote=0x56f]I once hacked into some fb accounts when I first learned SQL[/quote]


9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


I don’t know about your background. Are you public about your skills?
For example, I’m very open about my skills on my YouTube channel. (It’s a educational channel to help people secure their devices, and to fix or do things with tech.)

BTW, hacking a SP game shouldn’t be a problem in most places. As long as you paid for it, and are just keeping all that to yourself.
Check out the wireshark and what it did back in the day.

[quote=0x56f ]Maybe it’s not the “only” thing they want to do, what makes you so sure it is[/quote]

Then they can ask about other things. Even asking how they can make their FB account more secure if 100% fine. But these questions have gotten so bad on my YT channel that I have any new comment with FaceBook (the word) on an automatic need to approve list.

I think FB has to be the worst thing that has happen to the hacking community. While it’s made a lot of our jobs a lot easier in getting info. It makes me sick to think people thinks it is cool to hack into FB.
what happened to the days when people hacked or wanted to hack into governments, major companies, and banks? Obviously people weren’t so stupid to do it. But there was a drive to do much more than dealing with trust issues or making a fool out of someone on FB.

9 years ago


^ The last quote is indeed questionable…
You did that on a secure platform that “probably” doesn’t use SQL in the “I just learned SQL” manner, hence hacking it via that method is highly unlikely.
Maybe you just had a few good guesses? :D

IIRC facebook uses quite secure manners to retrieve and store data(Plus heavy filters on every textbox imaginable on their website).

And if you are so good with that stuff, try and earn some points on here? I still see a big “0” there. :x

@ crua9
Only a hand full of people know my occupations next to my studies and job.
I only come clean to people I trust, one of them is one of my teachers. (No worries, not going to give any details.)
Oh and due to me donating the site owners now know too. :P

I like to stay in the shadows, especially due to the country I live in.
Wouldn’t want the blue-pants knocking on my door, “kindly asking” me to work for them because their own guys keep screwing up.

p4p1 [lexostras]
9 years ago


[quote=crua9]why would you want a book for your face [/quote]
Because they like reading, so they have to have the contact on the with the book

9 years ago


what i wanted to say was that just ignore them :)

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Oh Good

7 years ago


Some time ago, found a comment on a youtube video, asking the youtuber to make a tutorial of how to do meta-sploits.
Now, it’s harder for me to sleep at night…
******* script-kiddies.

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