lg [lguiz]
9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Anonymous and citizens of the world, please, wake up !

Anonymous fight for many things. Anonymous fight against many things. One of this are Terrorism and hate apology :
is a web site which use a false investigation identity to share shameful videos from Alhayat media center, ISIS propaganda director.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
9 years ago


It’s hard to take this post seriously when your username starts with “lol”…

lg [lguiz]
9 years ago


my name was found a long time ago, and it don’t describe me.
And your “r4v463” ? what is it ?

lg [lguiz]
9 years ago


oh, and lol come from Lo

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Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


As I already said in another post :

@lol29guiziou implying we aren’t Anonymous but Hackthis !
Also asking member to do illegals things is against rules

Is FBI gonna knock knock at my door if I clicked this link ? :D

lg [lguiz]
9 years ago


as I already said in an other post :
Mugiwara27 Anonymous is defender of justice on the internet and on hackthis I will find some Anonymous. For sure FBI already know you, because you made bad research on google like :“ hacking ” ^^

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Anonymous trying hard but no always doing good
For example what if this website is already monitored by cyber police ?
If you down it by yourself maybe you’ll disturb their monitoring and they’ll probably never got any more chance to find the real owner and things behind it.

What do you think of that?

9 years ago


[quote=HackThis!! Code of Conduct]I will not participate in, condone or encourage unlawful activity, including any breach of copyright, defamation, or contempt of court.[/quote]

9 years ago


moreover I doubt a real anonymous would reveal that part of its pseudonym stems from a common french first name which likely will be his

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SIGKILL [r4v463]
9 years ago


29 is the departement of Finiste in Brittania, in France. So you’re first name is Loic and I guess Guiziou is your name… let’s type that on Google.

I found 2 accounts google+/youtube at your name, what sport you do and in which club, your instagram (pretty nice holidays), your age, the grades you have (good mention clap clap clap) and a lot of other stuff… but fortunately, you’re anonymous.

Just to say that you have some good ideals but you can’t change the world like that… It’d have already been done otherwise.

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9 years ago


[quote=lol29guiziou]LET ERADICATE THAT DANGEROUS ISIS WEB SITE !!![/quote]
Yes.. totally not encouraging anything.

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