getting the password of the administrator

what administrator account thats to broad of a question is it a website or a computer
if its windows you can press f8 reboot to safe mode the administrator account may work
you can use ophcrack
or you can do it in linux or mac get back to me
i bake therefore im fried!!
Many ways my friend, depending on the site. work through the levels provided here to pick up some handy skills ;)

trinity rescue kit works to remove the admin password on windows, you can find instructions easy enough :)
yes it does theres also ways like i did one time to remove encryption off of a hardrive as well i got a firewall hardrive before and was able to decrypt it is called super hdd tools i worked at a store that had a box of hardrives brought in from a bulk buy i grabbed 5 and a few were from a bank and i cracked it it was citizens hardrive and it was !notyouraveragebank i think lol
i bake therefore im fried!!

Removing a pass on a windows computer? Try using CMD promt.
there’s a few vids on the internet that should be easy enough to find.
there’s no reason to go outside and install things when it can just be removed.
Suite the person. Boot The program
windows 7 i believe you can use this
i bake therefore im fried!!
removing the password is easy with the correct know how, but did you say you wanted to know the password? This is practically impossible unless you can find it on a post it under their keyboard lol
it depends what he is up to we both know alot of bad ways to do this im not sure what hes actually up to
i bake therefore im fried!!

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Open up notepad and make a script to open CMD, or even wipe the admin password