I download ‘'Image Preview". So I can see the image in firefox. I used tamper data to change the score to 194175, but It’s not working. How to solve it?
I need some help!!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, one hour passed. Nobody came over…
If this way didn’t work, just try another one. Research how tamper data works and how you could do what he does manually :)
Are there other ways to solve it? I need help.
YES, think about how you can post the data to server.
Yes they are multiple ways, use your brain please :)
use the post, luke
I put a post box and button in the HTML, it did not change anything. Is it wrong? like:
number: Submit
think about the name of your input text.
life is hard :(
@sarawang130 it’s simple. You need correct “name” , “value” and “form action”. You are very close to do it.
@Blocksarawang130: You very close to solving the level.
Understand what are you submitting
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