How do I hack my little sisters phone lock (She's an ass)

9 years ago


any Ideas ._.?

and I cant reply any time soon since my mom has banned me for using the computer forever -_-



I’m sure you know what you’ll get as an answer!

If phone locks were easy to hack as asking your sister what it is, then what would be the point of locking screens?!

9 years ago


And doesn’t hacking her phone make you an ass?

9 years ago


That’s pretty easy giving you have physical access to it for a bit.

What phone type is it? Also, what do you want to do with it? (listen in remotely without them knowing, take pics/video without them knowing, etc)
Most people don’t know how clear you can hear someone when their phone is in their pocket, and you have remote control over it.

BTW, @dloser is right.


LOOL she was banned your computer LMFAO I’m dead now !!!!

9 years ago


How about that? ;)


9 years ago


not really Im only doing it for educational reasons and cuz I wanna play some games on it :p

secondly her phone is an android and she has a PIN code on it and she wont let me use it :/

9 years ago


dloser I only need to play some video games and listen to music sound cloud works well on it :)

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


@PNTSTR this method really works, I also used it once :D

9 years ago


it wont work for me it is locked with a PIN code like numbers and words

9 years ago


They are screwing with you. Anyways, your reason is too stupid for me and most others to help you out.

If all you want to do is play v-games on a phone that you’re banned from. Hmm, I don’t know. Why don’t you just get your lazy butt up and buy you a phone.
If you can’t afford it, that’s why you can work. If you can’t find work in your nearby area. Then go to freelancer sites like and get a job there.

If all of that is too hard for you, or you’re going to say some BS like you’re too young (there is plenty of people in a local area that will pay for you to clean, dig, or something like that). Go get a book. They are free at the library.

9 years ago


first thing first crua9 if I learn to hack a phone wouldn’t it add to my knowledge and I am also doing it for educational purposes
Yes, I am too lazy to buy a phone so I use my lil sis’s phone
secondly I am not banned from the phone I am banned from the computer by my mom for a stupid reason which I will not waste my time explaining
I can use it with my lil sis’s permission but I just wanted to know how I could learn to hack a pin code number/password If its too much trouble don’t bother helping
I’ll just learn it some other way :)

f0rk [HackingGuy]
9 years ago


From this convo, I’ve made a Cards Against Humanity subject card: “I’m banned from the computer because ______”
Please, fill the void, I’m sure Sigma18 will appreciate it. XD

9 years ago


“I cheated at Patience.”
“I tried to hack Facebook.”
“I downloaded and installed malware.”
“I tried to become a member of Anonymous.”
“I’m still a little kid.”

9 years ago


I think it’s the last one :P

From the looks of it. I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s another smart mouth 13 year old.


CIA has server of Facebook so if you do hack Facebook you have the CIA behind your ass. But if you have the intelligence as the group Cracka has hacked the FBI Classified documents and the CIA documents you can play with hem

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


When a simple subject goes too far :)


Oh ? it’s just for dloser sorry for this

9 years ago


Oh… uhm… thanks, I guess?

rereads post, trying to understand it

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Here’s a translation :

Facebook = CIA
You –> hack Facebook = You –> hack CIA
if ( hack_cia ) { get_classified_document(); }
And now you can play with them

9 years ago


I no wanna hack Facebook or the CIA (thats were I’m gonna work in the future) I just want to unlock her phone I don’t need anything else I just wanna learn how to open her phone lock in some way plus she is my sis so I don’t think she would mind I’ll tell her anyway :p

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Hm I don’t really think you’re gonna get something from us since the reason is too… :)
But I’m pretty sure you could find some great things using Google ( your best friend )

9 years ago


hi how do you hack the phone do you can say me pls

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Here we go ! A good example of sort of people I want to erase from Internet !
And no we can’t say you sorry :)

SIGKILL [r4v463]
9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


To hack a phone, it’s pretty easy, go to and press the button!!


Sigma18 why your mom has banned your computer ??

9 years ago


If you are really desperate , you can simply just factory reset her phone and make some stories that she can believe .

9 years ago


That will only work 1 time. If that

There is better ways of doing it. But his reason is stupid. Also, I’m assuming his sister is around the teen age or maybe in the 20s. Like most of that age, I doubt they will be OK with being away from their phone for more than 15 to 30 min.
This is more than enough time to load stuff on the phone so you can remotely screw with it or listen to whatever. However, I doubt he will get more than 5 or so minutes of game time if he tried to get in the method almost everyone here knows about.

However, I doubt he will be able to do much with the phone after he used your method.

BTW there is 2 things I have to ask.

  1. How is he asking this stuff if he can’t get on his family’s computer, and he needs his sis phone to do whatever?

  2. Why did his mom banned him from the computer?

9 years ago

0 I was banned becuz my moma wanted to screw with me for not doing my chores and secondly I use the laptop that she has at night when she is asleep
an I am older than my sis so its no problem. :)
she’s 15 BTW and I am 18 so stop treating me like a 5 year old (just becuz I am not that mature yet as my sis said so)

9 years ago


Then stop behaving like you are five. Can we close this thread already?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


That’s true, this thread is now a non-sense one.
Please, @Sigma18 close it

9 years ago


+1 to @Mugiwara27 and @dloser

You sound like a spoiled brat. That or someone with mental disabilities, and you can’t take care of yourself at the end of the day (I deal with a few people like this. Some are your age, and they wonder why a newborn baby can get away with throwing stuff but they can’t. This being said, many of them end up becoming a better person after they see how harmful being immature is to people around them.)

You seriously need to go somewhere else with this problem. Hopefully you’re just a brat. But no matter the case, this isn’t the site for things like that.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


French proverb :

Heureux les simples d'esprit.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Translation of this good proverb :

Happy the simple minded

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Hmm 18 you say, I was already working at that age.

I have an advice for you, stop thinking that your mother is telling you things for stupid reasons and try to be smart, listen to her and try to learn from your mistakes… because most of the time she is right, and you are wrong, just think about that.

[quote=Sigma18]I no wanna hack Facebook or the CIA (thats were I’m gonna work in the future)[/quote]

You are already too late for that.

9 years ago


already too late for what?

9 years ago


never mind this thread is officially closed *hits the hammer on the desk Done :)

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