tor browser freezes on download help needed, i downloading through iceweasel in kali linux download gets so far then freezes
You download from here?
Thanks tried to download from the above link this seem worse as it freezes in the first box
Try something else than Iceweasel ?
Regarding Sql syntax is this something i should check with my hosting company
Wait… what?
Tor Browser SQL syntax hosting company [/color] What’s the connection between these different things ?
@Mugiwara27 It is obvious. Probably not enough to simply change the color of signature ;) Someone might think that this is the answer to their question.
i’m not getting an error its just not fully downloading the tor browser through iceweasel….i have virtual box with kali linux
Instead of downloading it through Iceweasel, did you try to do a wget?
yes did not work that way,so fallowing this tutorial seems the best way
Now getting this error any help appreciated: Tor browser connect to relay directory failed no route to host
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