Remote PHP File Source Viewer

Hi, I am a Web Developer. For purposes obvious, I wish not to display my website url. However, as a former hacker. There is something i’d like to test. I want to be able to view the source code of a php document on my website without entering any ftp server information. I want to pen test my website on both security and performance. Please list below in the comments what app or service I can use to remote view the source to php files. Thank’s!
– BlackVikingPro |

If any information is found out about this. Please email me at:
– BlackVikingPro |

In your web site you can edit your files, you can use ftp or another way to edit the pages, the server don’t will show php code because is a server side script, you can view php code just changing the file extension, but sometimes it is vulnerable.

Are you sure you are a web developer @Black00Viking13?

Are you sure you are a former hacker @Black00Viking13?
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Lol, I know how to do some things with hacking. I didn’t get into it much. But I got a few tricks up my sleep.
However, I would like to pen test my site. I need to know if yall know of any software out there that has a special feature so I
can test to view my php files & the source to them. The website url is
Be prepared, im currently working maintenance on it so expect errors sometimes when refreshing pages & such.
– BlackVikingPro |

– BlackVikingPro |

– BlackVikingPro |

[quote=dloser]“For purposes obvious, I wish not to display my website url.”
posts e-mail address that can easily be used to find site
posts url anyway[/quote]
Plus, he provides random percentages on skills page that doesn’t make any sense, at least to me.
Seriously @Black00Viking13, how do you calculate percentages?
I have a co-worker who has more than 10 years of experience as “web developer” (as you call it), what percentage would you give him considering that your 2 years corresponds to 64%?
Also, what’s the difference between web developer and programmer? And, more importantly, what is a web developer for you anyway?
P.S.: Why you pull in 3 different versions of jQuery?

So, Someone one got on my website apparently & sent me about 8 emails this morning. Obviously they weren’t smart enough for me :). That person is now banned & lives in France :). Yah, if this is anyone on this post, goodbye :)
– BlackVikingPro |

That’s exactly what I was talking about @bkth, it doesn’t make any sense to me either.

maybe the % is about a number of lessons in some site. Codecademy have this progress, so about it I know 100% in python, php, html, js…, but in reality are ilimited aplications, the progress isn’t ral about all possibilities.

Ok, I attempted to fix my knowledge percentage, plus I made more updates to my site. View all new updates here >
Plus, I added a new development laboratory, . Please go here > < to tell me what you guys think!
Oh, also. I added new “terms-of-use”, go to to read them! YOU MUST AGREE BEFORE CONTINUEING TO USE MY SITE!!!!
Thank’s everyone :)
– BlackVikingPro |

Percentages: still doesn’t make any sense.
DevLab: same as above
Terms of use: hahaha
For the email thing you uploaded on github I doubt that anyone with a little bit of programming/security knowledge would use your script, I’m sorry man.
— EDIT —
[quote=BlackVikingPro’s GitHub]Hi, this is a few files that are a fully working email sending script you can embed into your main page or so[/quote]
[quote=BlackVikingPro’s GitHub]The demo doesn’t send an email, but if you download & edit it accordingly then it should work fine :)[/quote]

@Black00Viking13 you really should stop writing things on the forum, you’re ruining yourself
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

@Mugiwara27 Who here can possibly ruin my reputation. There is nothing I have done that I can’t back up. I have nothing to lose from this site, if people have a problem with my theorys then they need to go on somewhere. I do not care anything about what people think about me, all I care about is my image. I don’t think i’ve said anything that I can’t back up. All i’ve tried to do is be nice, yall is just a bunch of haters tbh…
– BlackVikingPro |