Remote PHP File Source Viewer


Hi, I am a Web Developer. For purposes obvious, I wish not to display my website url. However, as a former hacker. There is something i’d like to test. I want to be able to view the source code of a php document on my website without entering any ftp server information. I want to pen test my website on both security and performance. Please list below in the comments what app or service I can use to remote view the source to php files. Thank’s!



If any information is found out about this. Please email me at:

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago


In your web site you can edit your files, you can use ftp or another way to edit the pages, the server don’t will show php code because is a server side script, you can view php code just changing the file extension, but sometimes it is vulnerable.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Are you sure you are a web developer @Black00Viking13?

9 years ago


Not only that, also a former hacker! We’ve got a real one here!

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Are you sure you are a former hacker @Black00Viking13?

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago




Lol, I know how to do some things with hacking. I didn’t get into it much. But I got a few tricks up my sleep.
However, I would like to pen test my site. I need to know if yall know of any software out there that has a special feature so I
can test to view my php files & the source to them. The website url is
Be prepared, im currently working maintenance on it so expect errors sometimes when refreshing pages & such.

Justin Puksic [Puls3]
9 years ago


Sorry but this must be a joke to claim all the stuff. You should stick to gaming ;)


I built my website. I coded it myself Puls3

9 years ago


“For purposes obvious, I wish not to display my website url.”

posts e-mail address that can easily be used to find site

posts url anyway


Lol, I didnt see any harm in it :)

9 years ago


I know I’ve come across sites where the php source is revealed via a file inclusion vuln.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


[quote=dloser]“For purposes obvious, I wish not to display my website url.”

posts e-mail address that can easily be used to find site

posts url anyway[/quote]

Plus, he provides random percentages on skills page that doesn’t make any sense, at least to me.

Seriously @Black00Viking13, how do you calculate percentages?
I have a co-worker who has more than 10 years of experience as “web developer” (as you call it), what percentage would you give him considering that your 2 years corresponds to 64%?
Also, what’s the difference between web developer and programmer? And, more importantly, what is a web developer for you anyway?

P.S.: Why you pull in 3 different versions of jQuery?


So, Someone one got on my website apparently & sent me about 8 emails this morning. Obviously they weren’t smart enough for me :). That person is now banned & lives in France :). Yah, if this is anyone on this post, goodbye :)

9 years ago


Oh damn! Shit is going down!

So amazing to see a real master at work for once. Man, that person in France must be in tears right now! No way they’re getting around that ban.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Hahaha that’s funny!

9 years ago


I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that you allegedly are “2% in programming” and “64% in web development”, that does not make any sense, and how do you put a number on this ?!?

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


That’s exactly what I was talking about @bkth, it doesn’t make any sense to me either.

? [bolofecal]
9 years ago


maybe the % is about a number of lessons in some site. Codecademy have this progress, so about it I know 100% in python, php, html, js…, but in reality are ilimited aplications, the progress isn’t ral about all possibilities.


Ok, I attempted to fix my knowledge percentage, plus I made more updates to my site. View all new updates here >

Plus, I added a new development laboratory, . Please go here > < to tell me what you guys think!

Oh, also. I added new “terms-of-use”, go to to read them! YOU MUST AGREE BEFORE CONTINUEING TO USE MY SITE!!!!

Thank’s everyone :)

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Percentages: still doesn’t make any sense.
DevLab: same as above
Terms of use: hahaha

For the email thing you uploaded on github I doubt that anyone with a little bit of programming/security knowledge would use your script, I’m sorry man.

— EDIT —

[quote=BlackVikingPro’s GitHub]Hi, this is a few files that are a fully working email sending script you can embed into your main page or so[/quote]

[quote=BlackVikingPro’s GitHub]The demo doesn’t send an email, but if you download & edit it accordingly then it should work fine :)[/quote]

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


@Black00Viking13 you really should stop writing things on the forum, you’re ruining yourself


@Mugiwara27 Who here can possibly ruin my reputation. There is nothing I have done that I can’t back up. I have nothing to lose from this site, if people have a problem with my theorys then they need to go on somewhere. I do not care anything about what people think about me, all I care about is my image. I don’t think i’ve said anything that I can’t back up. All i’ve tried to do is be nice, yall is just a bunch of haters tbh…

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