How to use Ettercap ? Best command please ???

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


My objective is to redirect All Users of the site already cloned SET to my IP Local.
So I try to use Ettercap with its following commands and it gives me errors that say “commands // // are not taken into account by Ettercap”.

Here are the commands used and Ettercap rejected:

ettercap -T -q -i whan0 -P dns_spoof -M arp // //

So tell me in your opinion, what is the best command that I should normally use with Ettercap that me allowing me to redirect “All Users of the site already cloned SETOOLKIT to my IP Local” and that I change the DNS with the plugin Ettercap “etter.dns”???

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


man ettercap

good reading

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


Redirect all users of the site already cloned SET to my IP local

wut ? Could you explain what’s the meaning of this ?

Also, your command has : whan0
Isn’t it supposed to be : wlan0 ? :)

PS: Are you really going to create a new account every times you need to ask a question ?

? [bolofecal]
8 years ago


@Mugiwara27 I don’t understand, but I think that he are trying spoof the dns, it is so confusing. Maybe it is for bad purposee.

8 years ago



  Still, you do not help me with your response so that my question was very clear. As explained above, my goal is to conduct a MITM attack by redirecting **all users to a site that I have cloned SETOOLKIT**.  

So what do you think is the best Ettercap command that can allow me to redirect all users (who want to connect to the cloned website) to my IP Local ?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


As bolofecal said, that MITM could be for a bad purpose so I’m not really going to help you
But by trying some very clear research on Google, you could find what you need
The thing you are trying to do is not that hard so it would be pretty easy to find it on google :)

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
8 years ago


This is extremely illegal, you can’t expect help from us.

8 years ago


Are you using Kali Linux??


Google “MITMf” (man in the middle framework) from the sounds of what you want to do it’ll be more suited for purpose

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