Im lost, level 4 :(

Intro 4

12 years ago


I dont even know the username, i would be glad if you could help me with some pretty obvious hints or something. Just wanna try and see if i am not too dumb to catch it.

My brain is shutting down

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


I guess it has something to do with this, i just don’t know what to look for..

<fieldset> <label for="user">Username:</label> <input type="text" name="user" id="user" autocomplete='off'/><br/> <label for="pass">Password:</label> <input type="password" name="pass" id="pass" autocomplete='off'/><br/> <input type="hidden" name="passwordfile" value="extras/ssap.xml" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="form_button"/> </fieldset>

12 years ago


Look at the hidden input…

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


12 years ago


I’m searching too for the ID and Password, hope you guys can help me too!

louis [anon-glitch]
12 years ago


if u guys need help add me on skype (u tell me your tags) p.s i may not answer im kinda almost asleep

12 years ago


Look for the hidden file

12 years ago


Look into directory traversal. Then think about what happens when the form gets submitted.

Mikey * [StonedNinjaLUFC]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago



Admin: removed spoiler


soo many spoiler -_- hurm…. thanks for the spoiler…. you just ruins the fun

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


If if it’s more fun for you without them just don’t read them. That’s why they are hidden in the first place.

Kumar Ankit [Kumar_Ankit]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


I’ve found this thing…but what now?? :(

Admin: removed spoiler


oops…in the image…

<? ' / ?> [draethel]
12 years ago


The user name and password is…… (Spolier Alert)

In the “hidden” “passwordfile”. (btw “hidden” “passwordfile” are not the usename and password. But they should give you a clue as to what to look for!)

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago



open your eyes !! :p

Admin: please don’t post spoilers

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


this is the answer and posting answers or Links to answers is not allowed !

12 years ago


even though we got the answer, i still have not tried it. i don’t want to try it, Until i understand how we got to the answer.
so what i’ve figured out thus far is…. that the source code reveals the username and the password , as Maliator has posted,
now looking at the code i believe that there is another HIDDEN field.
and this is the bit that stumps me.
i suppose its either not active or in a different colour
or in a password file which i can’t find.

but even if i find the password, i still don’t know where to enter the final password.
this is where i’m at

12 years ago


for all those searching for the username and password
i’m not going to be a spoiler ever.

but just read the CODE, it’s there in black and white, that’s the easy bit,
the hard bit is finding the final field.
we are given 1 username and 2 passwords, we just don’t know where to enter the 2nd password

look in the code for the username and passwords though , it’s right there

12 years ago


just to vocalize my thoughts
i suppose when we look at…..

we can deduce that the file type is HIDDEN,
so.. logically we want to find it. or Unhide it.

this is where i’m stuck
i tried to find a location or file called extras or ssap.xml
i figured that this file would contain some help on this issue but i can’t find it.

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


You are close to it, it’s easier then you think. Might want to Google what the type=“hidden” actually means. You shouldn’t have any problem opening the file

12 years ago


i actually got it after about 2hours, without googling it.
i feel stupid for missing that basic point,, but then again i was really really tired.
now level 6…. here we go.

<? ' / ?> [draethel]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Wow, its right in the post where to look for the file, in at least three places. It’s a bit sad as these aren’t even hints its just telling you what to do. :s

12 years ago


hey mate, my forte is not programming, however i understand HTML PHP, CSS, But not C
i understand HTML , at least to the point that is required of my to be able to build a site from dreamweaver.
or to be able to access the text editor in wordpress and make alterations and tests.
and i’m getting pretty good at it.

but i wouldn’t say that i could right HTML straight off the bat into a text file.
as i can with BASIC for example

so , that being said,
i understand the term “HIDDEN” as it pertains to file and folder permisson/attributes.

when discussing HTML is there another meaning to “hidden” when coding

i ask because.
eg. with SQL you can open a C.L.I. and type
–> show databases;
and you get the list of databases(self explanatory)
you then type
–> use database {databasename};
(i would think you would type select)
then if you want to show the table’s within that database
the syntax is
–> desc table;
one would think the syntax would be
–> show table;
since it held true with show databases;

so.. does HIDDEN have another meaning or some significance other than
making me aware that it’s hidden within the code, or hidden at another location

thanks mate

12 years ago


hey Draethel
PS i was tired as hell dude.

and not having a 100% understanding of HTML didn’t help.

here’s some insight, that i’ve learnt……
i sometimes go out to a clients house to troubleshoot a satellite reciever or whatever, and clients come up with the stupidist things.
(at least i used to think that way)
eg….. over the phone , a client was telling me her satellite receiver wont switch on.
i troubleshooted , no luck
i went onsite, and asked her to demonstrate to me. turning on the reciever.
the problem was, she was using the remote from the AIR CONDITIONER, LOL (true story)

so.. is she dumb or stupid.
no … i don’t think it’s fair to say that.
you see, she lacks the understanding. that’s all

and to use Technically inclined foke, we can’t concieve an idea of how that would be possible.

hence to you it was literally telling you what to do.
and from one point off view , i agree with you.
after all, these are beginner levels

but from my view, i knew it had something to do with that but it didn’t click

then after a little sleep and looking at it again, the syntax in the code started to look more familiar
so.. without giving away the answer.

i tried it and after about 5 mins experimentation. i got it.

My forte is.. i don’t give up
if i was able to be patient for 10 years to learn a rubiks cube. you can be damned sure that i’ll figure this out.

PPS cool bio picture of the simpsons.
i’m a huge simpsons fan

be cool

12 years ago


have you got it yet dude.

you said, “you just don’t know what to look for”
that’s the point….

in a real situation, you don’t get given hints or told what to look for.

but to help you along.

your looking for some place that will tell you , or give you a hint., to the username and password.

YOUR HIINT IS….. SOME PLACE, could be the source code, could be elsewhere

keep thinking, i didn’t get it either , at first

you’ll see what i mean when you get it.

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11 years ago


@SPACoD, Umm…. yeah , thanks for your reply

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