I think I'm close to finish

Missile codes

9 years ago


Hey guys,

I think I need some help on this level. So far, I managed to recover all files from the backup and I got access to the wav file in the rar archive. However, I’m kind of stuck now and would appreciate to get some hints.
I tried to analyse and inspect the wav file, but didn’t come to any result. Also, I don’t know what to do with the other files.
So do I even need the other files to solve this level or can it be solved just by analysing the audio file?


cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


have you listened to that file?:)

9 years ago


Yes I have, but I’m not sure what information I’m supposed to get out of this.

cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


if you dont know what you are hearing then try to know it ;) you are very close

9 years ago


I’m really having a hard time with this one. I now listened to it multiple times and went through the content of the other files but I seem to miss something.

cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


I think this is the easiest passage of the level.

9 years ago


Okay, I will continue to try a few things out and hope that I have a good idea ;)

9 years ago


I solved it! Finally ;) Thank you for your help :)

cn9 [1337boy]
9 years ago


Yey glad to hear that!

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
9 years ago


Congrats ! Move to the next level, let’s gain some knowledge and points :)

9 years ago


Thanks :) Yep I’m ready for the next challenge!

8 years ago


I also have problem with this sound file. I listen and analytics it but i can’t get any more :)

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


Analyse more! :)

8 years ago


I solved it! Thanks :)

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


Congratulation! Move to the next one now :D


Hello, my first reply and post in this forum. I heard about it from a friend… I am trying some challenges from time to time…. I have seen some posts… Moderators there are judging people from solved challenges, OKay! Don’t do that for me(I am not like you think and I am not an Expert nor a Professional just a GEEK ;) )

Alright, the important is: I solved everything, from extracting the files to anaylzing them to cracking the rar to analyzing the sound…. I extracted the D**F and I got some sort of codes! I tried them and they are not working as a Code input in the challenge page!

What can I do?!

Smyler [WHGhost]
7 years ago


Welcome to the forum!
There are some others codes somewhere, they can help too, even if they are not the direct answer.

Actually, there is only one moderator, @Mugiwara27, and @flabbyrabbit is the admin.

And don’t worry, I don’t think anyone judges people, we only do our best to help.


Thanks a lot mate ^.^
I have collected some codes…
I don’t know which one is the right one (I tried them one by one)..
Nothings seem to be working!

Any useful hint ^.^

Smyler [WHGhost]
7 years ago


The correct one ins’t with the others. It is not in plain text.


Can I get a hint about the place… Just let me get closer xD

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
7 years ago


Hello @MrTaharAmine ,

First of all, welcome to this place! Hope you’ll have some fun and entertainment ! ( sure you’ll have :p )

Then, I never and won’t ever judge anyone by how many levels he’s done with
We all start from the beginning, just like I did :)

If you still can’t understand where’s your mistake, send me via PM what you’ve tried and I’ll help you the best I can :)


Thanks a lot dude! I appreciate your time.
I am gonna PM you right now…

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