One does not simply learn to hack by Youtube!!!!

11 years ago


All these eight year old wannabe hackers are truly disrespecting the younger generation of hackers. I myself am twelve and have managed to complete a lot of levels by trying hard, accepting help and trial and error. Not all of us young ones are insane and want to “break Facebook”. I am not a very good hacker but I don’t type “Netstat” into CMD and call myself e-safety’s biggest nightmare, those aren’t even script kiddies, they are just simply pathetic and we look down on them.

11 years ago


i like that e-safetys biggest nightmare lol your good in my book and ya fuck them lamers they dont even know what a packet is

[deleted user]
11 years ago


You can learn SOME things by watching videos on youtube. But you do have a point. All the information you could ever want to know is right infront of you, you just got to find it and read it.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


You have to educate yourself in order to become a “hacker”.

11 years ago


what’s a packet?……..only joking :p

Youtube does have a lot of show and tell’s just like Google but at the end of the day if you don’t have the knowledge behind what your doing then you will get caught, and of course earn the prestigious title of n00b lol.

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Dude that was too funny you called yourself “e-safety’s biggest nightmare.” Holy crap that was funny, dude who else thinks you are that? Here’s the truth you become a REAL hacker you go to jail unless your anonymous or the best “hide and seek” player in the world (aka Osama Bin Laden) Sincerely, STAY OUT OF JAIL!
One dose not simply give them self’s the title of a good hacker like you did, it is given from the news.
(Edit) To make you feel better, watch ">THIS!

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


Oh but check THIS out, hacking in real time. That is what I mean when I say,
“or the best "hide and seek” player in the world"

Robert Paulson [hazorz]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@ThatNerdGuy, for twelve you are very wise. keep it up.

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Are you referring to Me?
Edit: I’m not 12. If you are referring to me, I get that alot and thank you.

11 years ago


i need to learn how i hacks a facebook pleaaase i really need it

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


I think you just ignored everything I just said :(

11 years ago


ThatNerdGuY has made some good points… But I guess everybody needs to START somewhere… So, the word ‘pathetic’ for a beginner is too harsh… :) In fact, many hackers begin by cracking… ;)

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


You also have some pretty good points everybody does needs to start somewhere, the problem is where should people start, what should they start and if the thing they will start fits there talents.

11 years ago


Sorry for not replying, I never meant to incline that I am a good hacker. Apologies for that.

What I actually meant to say was that I am nowhere near good but I don’t go around on YouTube typing like a Bloody idiot “How to hack Facebook” or “How to be a Hacker”. I accept that I am not a good hacker (I’m more into building computers then programming them) but those who claim to “Hack” and boast around their so-called skill really need to stop because:

  1. They look like friggin' idiots
  2. They Give off wrong impressions.

I’m sorry if you misunderstood or if I explained wrong.

Thanks to those who agree!

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


Goods points again but low self esteem is far worse then being a fail for a hacker.

11 years ago


Also cpn1000, you misunderstand the term “hacker”. Hacker does not mean seeing the Pentagon’s porno stash, it means as I personally refer to it: To use the internet intelligently/programming (depending on your type and/or specialty.

P.S I did not call myself e-safety’s biggest nightmare, I said all those wannabe hackers say that they’re that to their gullible friends.

Read before you judge.

11 years ago


Oh and theelitedreamer, (thanks for the friend request) By pathetic I was insulting them lying or exaggerating their abilities. We’ve all done it one time or another but they take it so far to threatening the bullied or bullies.

(Sorry about repetitive posts)

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


Well refer to it all you want but it really means is to find another way to do something like log on some one account or computer. And since it just bugs me to have to prove you wrong because of that comment, instead of becoming a NSA member hacking into the Pentagon’s (lets just say) stashes. And YES that would be hacking!!! I know the term just fine,
1. An enthusiastic and skillful computer programmer or user.
2. A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.

I you don’t call you self that fine! Just tell the people your ranting about.

11 years ago


I’m sorry cpn1000 (no sarcasm involved) I missed out the word just when I was starting the post. You are right there but hacking itself is not illegal unless you abuse the ability.

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


That is a great truth.

11 years ago


Thank you. As long as you weren’t being sarcastic we have came to a good compromise. Thank you for understanding (I think).

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Well, that’s how I started out. When I was a noob, I claimed to be a “hacker”. I didn’t know anything about programming, security etc. I don’t know about the rest of you, but that’s how I started out, I typed “how to hack ‘x’” “how to do ‘x’” into google and youtube.

That was years ago however. The first time I came here, I originally watched youtube videos to pass the levels, but then I made another account and learned myself how to complete the levels (with help from other users) and of course trial and error. I’m not e-safety’s biggest nightmare either, but I’m certainly no longer a noob either.

And I agree, hacking is not illegal if you don’t misuse your knowledge.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I do consider myself a “hacker” now however. I think once you know certain things, you are entitled to the title “hacker”. That’s just my own opinion. I’ve learned a lot over the last few years. It feels so much better after doing those levels myself.

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