Should I just be ashamed, lol



I am a freggin web dev, I know lots of languages out there, but I can’t solve this mission (or level 2 for that matter). Lol, I do know that javascript can be used to complete it, however, it’s not like I can just call a element or class on this one… wish it would, make my life so much easier rn lol

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


if you can’t solve it with js then use something else?

8 years ago


php ehem

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


You don’t know JS ? Learn it ! It will be really usefull for some other levels
And for this Coding 1 level, you don’t need big knowledge, just the basis

8 years ago


Yes, you should be ashamed. Not because you can’t solve it, but because you keep claiming things like “I am a freggin web dev” and “I know lots of languages out there” (and let’s not forget being a “former hacker”) and yet you can’t seem to do anything with it.

Hope that answers your (only) question.

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


@dloser when i checked the notifications i thought 100% dloser replied “yes you should be ashamed” as the first thing in the post

8 years ago


He literally asked for it. How could I not?! :)

Reply has been removed
8 years ago


This thread is about Coding 1, not Javascript 1, @Dave97**.

8 years ago


Oh sorry


Lol, yah. I know html, css, js, php, jquery, python (a little), and mysql (which ties in with php). I’m not too well in those other languages like ruby, ruby on rails, etc… Ig I probably can’t pass this one cause I’m too lazy lol

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


html css jquery and mysql are not even programming languages
also hacking is not for lazy people..


Programming, coding, same thing basically…

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


yeaaaaahhh… no not really.

BlackVikingPro [Black00Viking13]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


What’s different about them?

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


html is a markup language. css is used to describe the presentation of such markup language.
jquery should be a library for javascript right? idk i don’t know it.

mysql is not even a language, it is a dms, maybe you are referring to SQL

and we can also divide scripting languages from programming ones (where you have to compile the sourcecode and not interpreter it on the go)


I see what your saying, though I find no difference in the two. I just read an article over it , and I thought that coding and programming we different like this:

Coding is on Websites, Web Apps, and what not. Programming is more into Pc Apps, Mobile Apps, and hardcore Web Apps (e.g. YouTube). So basically I thought it depended on the code you were writing to be able to “program” or to “code”

Whatever though, ig I was wrong… Thx for pointing it out though @1337boy

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


you didn’t understand the article at all.

8 years ago


You didn’t understand *
Correcting grammar in posts seems fun

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


english mf, do i speak it? obviously not that well :D

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