Hack my Login Script

Hi, I want people to try to hack my login script for my developer console. If you think you can go here> https://blackvikingpro.com/secure/.
If your successful, just upload a picture to either my website or to whatever picture hosting tool…
Primary or Recommended Picture Hosting >
Lightshot Picture
Thanks in advance!
(If you need proof I own the site, comment it here and I will do something to show proof!
– BlackVikingPro | blackvikingpro.com

Or I could simply email you.
A simple whois revealed that data quickly enough.
And the house address and your name and hosting company etcetcetc.
Anyways, I’d love to try, yet I do not see a contract stating that I am allowed to and not responsible for any possible damage caused by the attempt(s).
Also, does your hosting company (The owner of the physical equipment) agree on your request?
Just a few topics to think about before risking careers and such. :)
Mind if I paste the source (With demo data)?

Yes, I do own blackvikingpro.com. I have also contacted my registrar on the idea, they say that it is fine to do whatever you want, just don’t affect other servers while doing it. However, I only want to test my login script. Yah, that login script from GitHub @DOSmaster is the basic of this script, though it has been heavily modified. I hope that can give you a big heads up that it’s not going to be easy, and that you will have a well fighting chance at beating my security. Lol, enough talk. HackThis if you can boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Thank you so much for doing this in advance :D
– BlackVikingPro | blackvikingpro.com

Dear Black00Viking13,
I seems that it took me less than 5 seconds to get in to your secret area.
I left you a suprize…. :)
Sorry for the spam, my browser freaked out. :)
The system allows you to put in any username and password you want and it will let you through.

Loved this line @strathaxxs : BlackVikingPro | 2016-03-20 | My name is William Bohannan and I am the Forrest Gump of web security.Ryan | | My name is William Bohannan and I am the Forrest Gump of web security

Thanks guys for displaying my vulnerabilities. However, after this; All log files will be kept secret in case of hackers with real intentions. After this post and the closing of this post, no further actions towards hacking this script is not acceptible. All future attemps will be redirected to the police (unless your ip is familiar, then I will just warn you). Please do not publicise that my script is “hackable”, or I will publicise your ip address on the dark net. Thank’s everyone and have a nice day :D
– BlackVikingPro | blackvikingpro.com

Future comments can be redirected here > https://blackvikingpro.com/server/email-us
– BlackVikingPro | blackvikingpro.com