Tools for Spamming Emails...

Hey, just wondering. Is there any type of tool I could use that lets me simply enter a users email address (aka my target) and that email be entered into tons of newsletters and spamming bots and all that type of stuff? Or, am I gonna have to write my own web app or software?
– BlackVikingPro |

Oh common @dloser , just want this tool to fuck with the people that fuck with me. I already use Maltego and stuff to find their email addresses and what not…
– BlackVikingPro |

[quote=Black00Viking13]just want this tool to fuck with the people that fuck with me.[/quote]
I hope you guys use condoms then.
Anyways, this is the same kind of question as “Do you guys know a good DDoS tool? I got rekt in Minecraft and I want to take revenge.”
If they “fuck” with you, just ignore them and go on with your life.
Unless you want to be known as the SamPepper of HackThis.. “It’s just a prank, bruh. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD” (Pronounced as ‘EXDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDE’)

I’m pretty sure you could use the page
using the victim’s email address as the email value and ticking the email me a copy of the email.
Then write a script which runs this repeatedly.

Meh, whatever man,
Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer.
There are other ‘hacking sites’ he could ask this on and get genuine responses'
leaky leaky
or just google it and you get loads of results.

– BlackVikingPro |

– BlackVikingPro |

– BlackVikingPro |

– BlackVikingPro |

– BlackVikingPro |

if you report that at the police you are gonna get auto issued for deception, since you actually asked here for people to hack your login script, and since some of us actually did that in order to help you, this will really hurt your reputation as well
also, don’t spam or put personal informations about users here man
WaRWolFz crew

As pissed as I am, I have to say that whoever did this > < thats pretty cool lol
– BlackVikingPro | <- Giggity, GG WP.
I do hope you put some shit on that as it’s from a public library IP that cost me a full 5 in access time to break your script.
Also, good luck retrieving true IPs over TOR with your skills. Just disabling JavaScript works a treat against basic attempts.

A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!