What to do when you find a virus on your computer

I made a quick video on what to do if you find out you have malware on your computer.
It basically gets into finding when it happened. Tracking your network to make sure you got everything. Doing another scan to make sure it doesn’t come back (this will show you if a program on your computer is putting it there).
It’s not a great how-to, but as far as I can tell. There isn’t much out there giving people a heads up on what to do when they get one. Most of what is out there is how to not get one (which we all know isn’t going to hold water 100% of the time).
If you have any extra tips, I would like to ask you to post it on the video to help people who may come across it.

or use exploitation system whit extra protection look like Backtrack created bye anonimus team
u can run in virtual box … whit that u can get auto attack virus giver and auto tracker sources
whit the virus source u can Attack the creator or u can put someting in the virus to return at origines :P i like kill pc from virus creator
sorry for my language i speack english ago 3 or 4 mouthn lol
Ihave start Programming hacking maximum 2 month ago :P

Wow, I’ve already deleted two of your useless posts but this one is fabulous!
or use exploitation system whit extra protection look like Backtr-ack
In what does it have an extra protection system ?Backtrack created bye anonimus team
Yeah… hell yeah Anonimus team! Offensive Security just leeched the whole OS, pff…whit that u can get auto attack virus giver
Wow, really ? Teach me how to get an auto attack virus giver!and auto tracker sources
Is that a priv8 h4x0r source ?
whit the virus source u can Attack the creator
Wanna pwn @flabbyrabbit m8 ?
or u can put someting in the virus to return at origines
NameError: name ‘origines’ is not defined
i like kill pc from virus creator
It seems you’re just killing English language man, nothing else
sorry for my language i speack english ago 3 or 4 mouthn lol
I know translator doesn’t really translate well but please… USE IT !
Google Translate >> johnatemps translate
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

lol…. u can made u own prog easyly whit using all kind…… bt…k…unb…etc … go made ur own plateform whit the best off each platefort…
for virus….all kind of stuf lets some trace in the web .. no? 99.9% protected = no protected
99.9% indetectable = detectable ..
iam a newb .. lol i start iam not powerfull but i pass lot of time whit a fucking beast hacker lol … ihave start my first pc 1years ago .. my english suck a lot .. but u understand me … its that the important :P
.. shutup me .. lolll okay iam not qualified for explain my points but someone gonna pm u today
congrat for u secret team

u can made u own prog easyly whit using all kind
Did you mean : OS
What are those ? oO
I know that there is nothing out there is 100% protected / unhackable / undetectable / etc
I know you’re a newbie, we could’ve understand just by reading the heck you’re sayin'
What about this ‘fucking beast hacker’ ? :) What do he hacks ?
Who’s that someone ? You ? Your fucking beast hacker friend ? lol
Please, avoid making 3 posts in a row, just do one containing everything, thanks!
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

I’d love to see him make his own OS. :D
Please do send it to me so I can test it in a VM, record it including my horrendous laughter and share it on here.
We really need more funny topics to talk about. :)
Back to the OP’s topic.
Yet again a fun video, keep up the good work. :)
Just a footnote: I wouldn’t trust on Avast and GlassWire alone.
Having a few tools at hand really helps at times.
A smart virus creator would never want to have a network connection to your system.
Just let the file download and execute it, Get the hell out of the system and let the virus do it’s dirty work.
With things like crypto locker, most stuff will be generated by the virus itself.
Then a single connection to a bot of their botnet which then sends the key to the central server so they can keep track of what keys fit to what system ID (That thing you need to add to the bitcoin transfer’s comment).
Then they use TorMail or 10 minute mail to send you the key. :P
(Know someone that actually payed for that shit because he thought that keeping important documents out of the backup sequence was a good idea.)

I would boot into a live Linux distro to recover my files (only the ones I can’t live without) and copy them to a separate drive.
Next, I would use DBaN to wipe the infected drive.
After that, I’d do a clean install of the OS of my choice.
Virus problem solved. Once a system has been compromised, clean install is the only sure fire method to get rid of it. Let’s hope your router isn’t infected. Other network devices should be monitored as well.

One can not safe files from CryptoLocker without the key, not even with a live distro of Linux.

sometimes u can system restore out of the cryptolocker virus. also it may be a brute force-able key. ive heard of instances where people have guessed the key correctly. it was something like password123.
nvm on the system restore. i was thinking of the virus that puts a boot password on the system.