Keylogging Script with the USB Rubber Ducky


Hey, I wanted to know if yall know anywhere I can get a keylogger script for the usb rubber ducky from Hak5? Or, do you guys know how to make one in DuckyScript? I would like for the script to last for maybe… 10 minutes, then when its done, just email the log to a gmail account… If that’s possible. Thanks guys!!!

P.S. I also just wrote my first ducky script called [ Get Shrekt (Prank ]. Find it < there!

(Non-Lethal… Obviously :D)

Thanks for the support guys :D

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


Hey! I have trademarks on that ASCI!
And quite frankly I have no idea.
What I do know is that a USB keylogger is rather obsolete these days due to the default policies of not autorunning stuff anymore from USBs (without a prompt atleast).

But if you must try, look into grabbing keyboard events.
Store the char in a char array, make that into a nice json format and find a way to send that via mail or a POST to a php script.

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


The Rubber ducky Simply emulates a Keyboard. You cant make a ducky script that works as a keylogger


Damn, ok. I know that traditional keyloggers are around $50 (correct me if im wrong). Though, you said there was a way to do a keylogger in php? Does it like embed itself on the victims pc or somthing? I could do some research on it, but can you help me understand that more. (I am decent in php, btw) @DOSmaster

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


Keyloggers in php in way to infect pc? wut?

Do you really know what’s a keylogger ?
You can find free ones really easily !
Just find a code, make it works ( if it has errors ) and compile everything to exe :)

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


not using a hardware keylogger
not sniffing the data of wifi keyboards


Yah, no.

[quote=DOSmaster]But if you must try, look into grabbing keyboard events.
Store the char in a char array, make that into a nice json format and find a way to send that via mail or a POST to a php script.[/quote]

He said there is a way in php. Is that correct or not?

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


you can’t even understand a sentence..


OMG, Is there a way to embed a keylogging script on a users pc in php?!?!?!?!?!?!?! If there isn’t I can easily buy a real keylogger device………………………………………….

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


[quote=Black00Viking13]OMG, Is there a way to embed a keylogging script on a users pc in php?!?!?!?!?!?!?! [/quote]


K, thanks for the help!

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