Ubuntu Linux from USB Pen Drive


Hey, So. I downloaded the latest Ubuntu Linux base 64 for Windows ISO. Now, I saw some tutorials to download the Universal USB Installer for Linux. Well, I set it up on a USB Drive (SD Card with an Adapter); I formatted it to Fat32, and it did it’s work… Well, they said that you just shutdown your pc (or restart it) and it’ll give you an option to start up your pc with the live USB Pen Drive. Well, I did this, it didn’t give me an option. So, I restarted it again, this time clicking F8 the whole time hopeing for the Boot menu, nothing happened. Then again, clicking F12 the whole time, still nothing. What am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!


Thanks for the help guys…



Oh yah, I can run it from Virtual Box. Though I want to be able to run it as the main OS just to try it out :D

8 years ago


What and when to press depends on your BIOS. As usual, google is your friend…


Do you think I can just boot the iso file in itself live from the usb? @dloser

8 years ago


It all depends, but I do know there are plenty of tutorials out there.


@dloser If I restart my pc now, it’ll give me an option to boot from the iso file. Will this mess my Windows pc up? I don’t want to lose any files from my Windows…

8 years ago


Given your history, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


You wanna do a dual boot ? Search on google about it they are a loooooot of great tutorial ! If you have any problems, just tell us :)

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


[quote=dloser]Given your history, I wouldn’t be surprised. [/quote]
hahahahahahahahaha i agree on this… anyway ubuntu is easy but doing dualboot is a pain in the ass if you dont know what you are doing. i will just suggest you to boot to the usb and once the ubuntu menu shows up select the option that says run live (that way you dont have to install it and you can get a little bit used to it) and once you see if you really wanna switch to linux then go ahead to try the dualboot.

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
8 years ago


Looks like he discovered the screenshot utility, he has a screenshot for everything.

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