Hello !

Hey hi !
My name is 1dot3 I’m new in HT, and new on the hacking world , more spe in the informatic stuff . I’m spectator about evolutions, new discover and more since more than 10 years, and when i don’t understand i search a lot by mself .
Now i decide to practice on this way, and i found your website by a post from one french guy .
So i’m happy and i go immediatly try to do the first challenge .
See ya !

Welcome to hackthis. You can learn a lot here and in this site have very good french guys (probably more than 27).

Hello 1dot3,
Welcome to Hackthis! Hope you’ll learn a lot on this place!
It’s good to see they’re still people who do research when they don’t understand things :)
Good luck for the levels ! If you do need help, Google and the forum should be enough to solve 95% of the website’s challenge
Nonetheless, if you still need help, don’t hesitate to create a thread or even PM me, I’ll be happy to help you :D
Also, I’m interested about the “french post” you found, could you link it there please ?
Oh and I’m french as well ( like bolofecal was saying using some hints lol :p )
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Im just curious , and like to have headache for found solutions … even if sometimes that make me stress and angry hehehe yep the post is this one : http://www.information-security.fr/hackthis-challenges-et-forum/
I use google most of the time , because im really noob on this way , but i don’t lose hope about learn , even if i getting old hehe

WaRWolFz crew

If you are aiming to pass all Hackthis’s level, don’t worry, you’ll get a lot of headache :)
Having hard time, being stuck about things, it’s the thing when you’re learning! But the good thing is the result is pretty good
Oh, thanks for the link :)
You’re never too old to learn!
lol 1337boy, just food words
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

How you can percept the people from here are very good. And @Mugiwara27 can crack the secret in my post.