What's language to use to code

@Hadfell Try this: What f#&king programming language should I use?
@yecine That’s a load of BS.
Only lazy people use Java. (Giggity)
There are a metric shit tonne of programming languages to use for gaming purposes.
Sure, C++ is used for most games as a base to create renderers and core engines, but most games also use Python in combination with it for the networking, addons(Mods/plugins), higher level logic etc.
(Here I go again) What I personally use for gaming is Delphi (Object-Pascal) which is one of the lowest level object-oriented programming languages with the ability to write directly to the hardware.
I even had a tiny project where I wrote a HDD driver that could only support FAT-32 with the standard FAT-32 utils for reading, writing, formatting, etc.
C++ is not the only “holy grail” in programming, there are many.
It depends on your end goal, your team and yourself what you should use.
So to get back to the OP, please do tell what this mysterious small program will do.
And remember, “smal” programs can still require a lot of code and time.

Suit yourself, was just trying to make you think about it.
Guess that’s too much to ask for these days, thinking about stuff that is. :)
Don’t blindly trust what your “friend” tells you to do/use.
It would be better for your own education to find the language you are comfortable with.
Also, do you want native GUI support or do you want to use a lib for that like QT or wxWidgets, or are you planning to go for a console app?
Maybe a web app?
All these questions and many more should decide what you use.
That is why I asked what this “small” program will be. :D
Just a hint from a guy that works with (Bloody) PowerShell, Python, C, C++ and Delphi quite frequently. (I know, I am surprised as well.)
NOTE: I know that PowerShell is a scripting language, not a programming language.

A game, OK.
A hint: It took me and 3 other guys 4 years to code a properly working 2D RTS game, using FastMM, MadExcept, OpenGL, OpenAL, zLib, PNGImage, libZPlay, BASS, Overbyte ICS and a rough 716,155 lines of code (Minus all the tools) and all the graphics, sprites, audio, singleplayer maps, multiplayer maps, campaigns and so on and so forth.
Be prepared for a hell of a ride. :P
And be sure to make everything yourself, buy the stuff you use or get some licensing contracts because they love to sue people over a few bytes and pixels. :)
Games are not “small” programs. Well, unless you’re a Unity/Unreal engine person….. Then please learn C#(In the case of Unity).
Especially GUI games are hard to make.
You should do some research into words like “Camera”, “Shader”, “Recaster” or any other “common” words within game development.
Unless you want to make some stuff like the following:
(WARNING!!! The following content may be experienced as triggering and/or cause severe cringe.)

Here’s a small game for you:
import random
target = random.randint(0,1023)
tries = 0
while tries != 10:
guess = int(input(‘Guess: ’))
if guess == target:
elif guess < target:
print(‘Nope, too low…’)
print(‘Nope, too high…’)
tries += 1
(use raw_input instead of input for python 2)