Paros Proxy or Burp Suite ?

Hi everyone,
I have done some search about burp suite , but i’ve found a similar application “Paros Proxy”!
could you tell me which one is better Paros Proxy or Burp Suite?
Thnk you :)
Save the planet , kill yourself

WaRWolFz crew

Save the planet , kill yourself

WaRWolFz crew

i didnt install paros , but i belive burp suite is way much more powerful ,as it has more tools for mutiple purpouses. as far as i can see you can just do the same that paros does with Tamper Data firefox addon.
EDIT: seems like paros can do a decent scan and some other stuff that tamper data addon cant do.
on a side note about tools … well i dont say tools are bad as 1337boy says , they are really useful but only when you actually understand how they work. i find burpsuite awesome for many things , but i actually dont use it alot (and i actually dont use half of their tools) , but once you find the vunerability and understand how it works its really simple to run this tool instead of coding your own script and save some time.

yeah but
He knows nothing
He is not able to run a jar file / install a certificate
If he runs such a tool he can only create damage Honestly
WaRWolFz crew

Hi b1nary,
like 1337boy said “ i know nothing” , im just a beginner. it’s the first time i use burp suite, and yes i have read somethings about paros , and burpsuite is more powerfull but little bit difficult lol :D
but With a little effort anyone can start using the core features of Burp and thnk you for ur answer :)
Save the planet , kill yourself

you forgot what @Mugiwara27 said, didn’t you?
“Likewise, don’t insult people on here, or you’ll probably win something from us, kid ”
ps: @anakinvader don’t edit your posts you said
“ps: 1337boy i’ll be baned if i say something so grow up and shut ur mouth piece of shit”
imma teaching something:
pps: <3
WaRWolFz crew