Donation - Not working?

Hi All,
I’ve tried to give a donation and hopefully get a t-shirt however whenever trying I get the following page with a 404 error.
Anyone know what’s going on?
I tried jumping on the IRC yesterday but didn’t get any replies.

Let’s make a chain! New head:
Checked my IRC logs, but didn’t see you in there. You might have been connected to the wrong server; try instead of Otherwise, ask your question and wait around until someone sees it.

WaRWolFz crew

Also, as far as I know they don’t send shirts anymore.
Otherwise I am still waiting. :P
Need to add one to the collection, right next to the FOSDEM shirts.

WaRWolFz crew

Oooh, oke. :P
But I meant with the donations.
It used to be that with 15 pounds you’d get a shirt. But that’s outdated info I think.
Might need to check the shop… If I can find it. :D

Or maybe @dloser makes them for @flabbyrabbit and @dloser purposely makes us wait? :O

True, as with @dloser it’s always -1… ;)
(Whoops, shouldn’t recycle djokes.)
Let’s be on-topic again. :P
The donations return URL needs to be changed.
As seen in the GitHub repo it should be OK: hackthis>blob>master>files>class.donations.php Line 92
Unless a config mistake was made or the fix hasn’t been implemented in the prod environment.