Encrypted Chat Channel on the Darknet

BlackVikingPro [Black00Viking13]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


Hello, World. I have a new Encrypted Chat Channel tool hosted on my darknet website. This is a free service, and is provided to you thanks to MyCryptoChat. Along with some security modifications. The encryption is client side JavaScript, so that will need to be enabled to run the service if your viewing the site in Tor browser.
The website will be up and available normally from 4 p.m. Central Time to about 7 or 8 p.m. Central Time. Monday - Friday
Questions or Comments can be directed on the global chat channel, here: http://bit.ly/BVP_Dark_Global

The website is: http://kmtr377e4kosgguu.onion/
You may view the website in any browser by going to: http://kmtr377e4kosgguu.onion.to/

Any security vulnerabilities found are greatly appreciated and may be reported here: http://bit.ly/BVP_Dark_Security

Thank you, and have a nice day!

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


No one will help you after What you have done last time

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


I’ll do as 1337boy do every time :p


pick one

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


using le meme arrow

8 years ago


Wait what? No more free pentests? :(

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


sadly no :C
i wonder why no more bans for him lol

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


why u insist on tracking us ? i bet you keep a copy of all the messages/info of the users. is this an fbi honeypot?

by the way @1337boy and @Mugiwara27 should make a Black00Viking13 jokes thread lol

8 years ago


Why make a special thread? Every thread of his is a jokes thread. ;)

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


@dloser damn, what you said is gold lol

8 years ago


Yessss… keep stroking it…

My ego, I mean, of course.

8 years ago


But Black00Viking13 is not enough of a joke to have a special thread dedicated to him, only @dloser is good enough for that.

And why he keeps tracking people is simply because he has a crushed ego due to the sad excuse of a “secure” login script he challenged the HackThis members to crack and it is still broken. (Last check: yesterday AKA April 13th, 2016)
BTW, you never stated that one is not allowed to “hack” your “secure” page any more.
Might be a smart idea to do so, unless you want more ‘shrekt’ spam. :) (NOTE: This was within the code of conduct as you put the challenge up yourself and forgot to state that one is no longer allowed to execute your challenge.)

New level idea for Main 11: Black00Viking13 his “secure” login script.

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago


Basic level8: pwn Black viking pro

8 years ago


Why everyone angry at him?
He just want to make a Chat Channel, or no?

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


https://www.hackthis.co.uk/forum/hacking-security/tools/20225-tools-for-spamming-emails : asking for a tool to spam email
https://www.hackthis.co.uk/forum/hacking-security/web-hacking/20230-hack-my-login-script-redo?post=56070 : invite people to penetrate his login system and then save the logs and threat them to redirect the attempt to the police or put their ip adress on the dark web if they penetrate the login system again. He even showed one in the first link and gave the location of some “users”.
And i may miss more.

8 years ago


Okay i understand now, thanks.
So that’s how made the new challenge levels…
I can not wait to release. :D

Reply has been removed


Hello, HackThis!!
I understand that some people here don’t trust me with this launch of a new site. I want to reasure everyone that, I am truly sorry for my past mistakes and attempts. This will never happen again. I don’t keep ANY logs in the new website, so I wouldn’t even know you visit if you did. Plus, JavaScript has to be used to encrypt your chats, otherwise anyone would be able to snoop in on what your saying. Tbh, I can’t see what anyone is saying, If I tried then it comes back encrypted. I don’t have the time to attempt to decrypt them, so I don’t bother with it. I promise that your security is well kept up with. If anyone has any questions, please contact me however you like (my normal website’s contact form and email are broken, I just got a new hoster). Again, I am really sorry for what I did back then…

cn9 [1337boy]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


who cares if you are sorry. you did such a bad things that no word in the world will make us forgive you

also, a chat encryption in JS makes me WUT :/

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