Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

Here, you lazy bum. :P

Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

But you are, my child. We all are.
Anyways, about 10, you might need to search for some information.

I Like the way you talk to me guys :/ For you to know .. i have 3 sisters and i am the only boy . my father is working far from us and i dont like him that much :3 my mother is always busy too .. and i dont like playing with this girls haha :D I dont even have friends outside
even at school .. i stopped this dec. because of those Damn bullies -- .. so that i just spend my time in front of computer everyday .. hoping some activity or something to do --

Based on these you can be a Hacker. lol
If you are boring just go to the IRC and annoy some experienced hacker, just like i do :D
And don’t post out your life story anywhere. :)
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

It’d be better to remove all that personal info.
Keep yourself safe, mate.
And the cryptic talk is because people enjoy making other people think about a challenge.
Also, giving spoilers is something one simply shouldn’t do. :)
Just try some searching.
Hint: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
// WARNING! The following joke may rustle your Jimmies.
I do like playing with girls. ( ? ?? ?)

Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

Don’t deal with $… if you don’t know what does it mean…
Sorry i don’t want spoiler.
The difficult challenge takes more time.
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

If you are stuck just search for on forum like: https://www.hackthis.co.uk/forum/level-discussion/basic-levels/basic-level-1/20343-question?page=1#post-56968
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

haha I like that translate returned ‘crowbar’,
I think it was referring to like jimmying a lock.
(A short crowbar with curved ends.) - Jimmies
It’s a english phrase for breaking into a lock.
I think @DOSmaster was referring to jimmies as in to be annoyed.
But I may be wrong.

Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

Not everything has to be understood as literally. In this case when you do the right thing, then you gain the username and the password.
You will see, when you do what you had to do.
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

What are you talking about ?
And why you “thought” ? Don’t you actually think freedom is good ? :)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

… Comon its not beacause some peaople get less skill then u they stupid..
lawl Nobody are stupid or somethig ….. some peaple get more experience then other
1 before anything to u have push on request details before inspecting password emplacement?
In inspect go re inspect the password emplacement
google chore are better then firefox for inspect command …
google and crhome is bad agent for hacking
pm me for help i can push u in a right direction
MY english is bad i now but iam not here to do a class lessons

Come on! It’s not because some peoples are more skilled than you are that you’re stupid
Nobody is stupid … some ones are more experienced than others
1 First of all, click on “Request details” then inspect element for maybe the password location ?
When inspecting source code, search for the password location
Google Chrome is better than Firefox for inspecting element …
Google and Chrome are bad for hacking
PM me for further help, I can guide you on the right way
I know my English is bad, but I’m not here to get language’s lessons.
mate mate mate, you really should take some lessons about it!
Likewise, there is no ‘password’ for this level
@killyou322 : If you want help for other levels, just read other threads about it in the forum, there are enough hints to make this level pretty easily.
If you still can’t manage how to do it, make a thread in the right place :)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…