What is wrong with my hydra command ?

Library Gateway

noname [egorius]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


Hi all. I’m trying to run hydra as following:

hydra hackthis.co.uk -l ******** -p ********* http-form-get "/levels/extras/real/2/login.html:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=Incorrect username/password:H=Cookie: PHPSESSID=*******************" -V

and I get this one in response:

[DATA] max 1 task per 1 server, overall 64 tasks, 1 login try (l:1/p:1), ~0 tries per task [DATA] attacking service http-get-form on port 80 [ATTEMPT] target hackthis.co.uk - login "********" - pass "********" - 1 of 1 [child 0] 1 of 1 target completed, 0 valid passwords found

WTF is wrong with my command ? Please help me.

8 years ago


How about not spoiling the challenge?

noname [egorius]
8 years ago


WTF are you talking ?

8 years ago


Are you serious? You are posting crucial details of challenges all over the place. Please remove.

(Also, for your own sake, don’t post cookies.)

noname [egorius]
8 years ago


Now it’s better ? And how about to answer on my question ?

8 years ago


No, you missed two.

A tool like hydra is totally unnecessary for the challenges here. Not even sure why you’d want to use it.

There reason that it doesn’t work like you expect it to is because you haven’t properly understood how things work. Try to get a better understanding of HTTP, HTML and related subjects.

noname [egorius]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


Uhhh, guys you are really annoying in this forum… it’s like simple question and still you are trying to give some kind-of philosophical answer…

8 years ago


Please, properly remove all the spoilers.

It’s not “some kind-of philosophical answer”. I’m telling you that you are missing crucial knowledge.

Perhaps also look to yourself for the reason why others appear so annoying to you.

f0rk [HackingGuy]
8 years ago


Nope, that answer is suffice. Its actually very helpful in your case. I would consider listening to the #1 member on wechall.net ^^ Also, there is still a spoiler up there.

noname [egorius]
8 years ago


Seems like I have some extraordinary ability to magnetize all clowns by asking questions… at least I hope you enjoy by doing that….

f0rk [HackingGuy]
8 years ago


Seems like the only thing you magnetize is answers do to your own stupidity and ignorance. Maybe consider trying alittle harder before posting something to the forum, and then being rude to those trying to help.

noname [egorius]
8 years ago


I just realize that answer to people like you is waste of time and energy, so I will stop doing that. Have a nice day and FK OFF !
P.S. You are not helping at all, you just trying to show how smart you are and I don’t give a s
t about it, that’s all.

f0rk [HackingGuy]
8 years ago


This is the last post but if you are forreal stuck on us not giving you a suffice answer maybe look at the other threads or PM someone. I even invited you to, but then you went and got all rude. Like WHAT THE F**K

noname [egorius]
8 years ago


Yeah, whatever…

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


@egorius you sure have some problems
The forum is not explanation / tutorial land

If you don’t understand things, google it
If someone told you that you didn’t understand how things works, maybe you should consider the comment and try to learn more about, it seems you don’t really know what you’re talking about

Then, avoid making spoil and insulting people, thanks :)

noname [egorius]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


Go to sleep please, and Yes forum is also learning platform

8 years ago


Egorius, what they tried to say is that THIS cateogry of the forum is not a learning place. They r not going to spoil everyone the level. The spoilers are in the “solutions” category, which you don’t have acces to unless you finish that level.

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