Perfect timing!

@flabbyrabbit you really know how to time the delivery.
Just got it in the mailbox, and it’s my birthday! XD
Also, thanks for adding my fav extra in there… :p
Lucky guess or at random? :o
Here a look at the shirt that does!! come with the donation. :)
Also perfectly in time for the SecOps meetup this friday. :p
Again, thanks and it looks awesome!

There’s no place like

There’s no place like

Thanks all! :)
Here is the donation page:
It used to be 15, but it seems to be 25 now, probably has something to do with BOM.
Here are the donation tiers at it’s current state:
1 Or More
Get yourself listed on our donator hall of fame.
5 Or More
You will not only be listed on our donator hall of fame, you will also be awarded the donator medal.
On top of this a heart will be displayed next to your username throughout the site to show your support.
25 Or More
As well as all perks listed above you will also be able to show off your support with a stylish HackThis!! T-shirt.

Thats what I was thinking, because I saw you donated 15 and I thought you got a discount for your awesomeness. But thats ok. :)
How old will you be?
There’s no place like

I’m coming close to the well-known balding spot age. AKA 23. :P
( NOTE: I don’t care that people know that part of my info, else I wouldn’t share my age. ;) )

Ooooohhhhh, killum'
Perhaps you should go to the club and ‘raise the roof’ AKA ‘pentest’ everyones phone ;)
There’s no place like

Have a good time @DOSmaster , have a good birthday!
And have a good everything! ig lol XD
There’s no place like

I thought he is older(+40), because the DOS era was a long time ago.
I mean the original, not the DOS-based OP systems.
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

My first system was ms DOS… ;)
Then 3.1, 98, 2000, XP, 7, 8.1 and now 10. But only for basic all-day stuff.
For work I prefer Unix-like systems, like Open-BSD, Red Hat, Fedora, Debian and ©LFS.
Same counts for some spare-time projects, like the games I work on with some friends, for those I host a few servers, all Debian behind a OpenBSD firewall.
Not too safe but the games require no authentication as we didn’t integrate achievements etc (Good old-fashioned RTS <3).
Stuff to make it harder for cheaters to screw others over is hard-coded and verified by the servers.. :P
Before you jump to conclusions, yes I do go out of the house to socialize. xD

What kind of game do you develop? I’m interested in, because me too developed some games, but my biggest game developing will begin 3 weeks later. Because graduation…
“I do go out of the house to socialize. ” out of the house…. out … of … house? I didn’t understand…. what does it mean? There is exist a another world?
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

1> RTS, which means Real Time Strategy. But the old kind.
(Think about games like StarCraft, Red Alert, etc but with battle logic and balance done right.)
We use an engine and renderer we built ourselves, it took a tonne of time and frustrations but it pays off in the end.
2> Oddly enough, YES! :D

There’s no place like

No, it’s open-source F-T-P. :P
With one you need the official game as it is a remake of an old game (Legal stuff) (mostly) made from scratch

There’s no place like

Check PM. :P
Don’t be scared by missing stuff in the latter, it’s in Alpha stage.
The first should be working just fine (if not, issues are welcome on GH)

Shirt + Haribo = Win