[removed personal info]
Thats what I have so far … anyone have suggestions on what I can do to find the rest of the address ?
Admin: Please, don’t post personal details here.

What do you mean find his address… you have his f***in latitude and longitude… What do you need more? Use google…
You should not post all this guy information here…
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
Very good info gathering. Yeah, i dont think you need his physical address but as DaGr8 Said you do have his geo cordinates. NOW KEYLOG HIM. USE THE FORCE.
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.

You should not be able to spot his house with his IP address… It belongs to the ISP and the geo should give their location… Does anyone know anything about how IP geolocation works? Where is the information coming from? Thanks.
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
LOL u have his latitude and longitude . it is all u need to find his address . if u want to hack hims send him some malicious trojon or any file
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

I can only imagine that the device that person used has communicate his GPS location to Skype servers?
Just because I am paranoid doesnt mean theyre not after me…
Yeah he uses a cell phone ( thats why his ISP is Verizon) and he must have track my Location or whatever turned on

Why, you really want to keylog him?Do you want to get information for something or something else?
Relax, is only ones and zeros….

Just don’t do it.Would you like to be in his own possition?Also, by doing this things you present hackers as criminals.Hackers are not criminal.Hackers must take information useful for them and then stop…..
Relax, is only ones and zeros….
That’s not the point, think morally, what has this person done to you? Does he deserve to be “Dos'ed? what will that solve?
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”
i was kidding i didnt think he would actually do it i dont get it people are worried about keylogging and facebook jesus hack something worth while i your gonna break the law i dont do so im just saying
Everyone is right. What has this person done to you ?, If you are so determined to DOS him, then you better be an expert on covering your tracks. Don’t be stupid and attack him, just gain info and as jayssj11 said “ maybe send him a trojan or something ” but dont be stupid. Remember the NSA is watching.
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.
All i am saying Drekzi is be carefully and fully cover your tracks, so you dont get caught man. Thats all i am saying, as i fellow undergroud brother of yours, i recommend you slow down and make sure you have everything together before going power crazy.
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.