What anyone should know before they say they want to be a hacker

So, every so often on my YouTube channel I get asked questions by people who want to become “hackers”. The latest one asked me this in a AMA on reddit.
I ended up making a video on it, but I’m putting a copy and paste of what was said in here. Anyone who does currently work in this, please let me know if you agree with me.
Question: [quote=]I’m looking to get into hacking, I’ve watched a few of your videos and I am all over the place with wire shark and cain and Abel. I need lots of help, I’m a very big beginner, do you recommend any sources that’ll get me learning how to learn how to hack quickly?[/quote]
My answer: [quote=]Hacking is pretty complex, and it’s really more of a general term. Think of hacking as cooking. Depending on what you cook, what each person likes, and so on. This depends on what skill, tool, and so on it takes. For example, if I was to make ice cream, I most likely wouldn’t use a grill to make it. Also some dishes really require personal experience to know when you have it right. But you wouldn’t make a dish for no reason.
The same applies with hacking. Hacking a website, some software, a person, or a network really depends on what tool, and skill you use. Even if you have the right skills and tools. You really wouldn’t hack something without a reason.
It sounds like you’re trying to get into network hacking. If so, I highly advice you to know the OSI model, and to know exactly what layer does what. I have a video that covers that (I had to learn it for my CCNA stuff).
If you are going to get into this or anything else in computers. You need to pick up some skills in research. (If you are going to go into hacking (legal or not) you need to pick up skills in social engineering)
Be warn, hacking and working in security isn’t all what many thinks it is. I worked in and around security for a while (it’s not on my linkedin or anything because reasons). But, everyone I know that worked in security becomes semi paranoid, and most tend to lose friends/family or have a hard time making friends because one of the first things a security expert does is look up the person. Since we have the skills, we tend to know everything about someone (what music someone likes, what type of relationship they have with others, their dreams and fears, their mistakes, are they addicted to anything, what do they tend to buy, and so on). Because it’s so natural, and it takes 5 or 10 minutes to basically have all the info. It could become difficult to remember what info they gave you and what you looked up.
Oh, and watch the laws. One of the reasons I pretty much stepped away from teaching people how to hack or defend themselves is every so often the government tries to make it illegal to teach such things.[/quote]

You have on interesting point of view, I just have something to add to the part where you talk about the skills you need. I think that more than knowledge, a hacker need a good way of thinking. What I mean with “good way of thinking” is a state of mind where you’re able to learn when you face a problem, because if you have this state of mind, the knowledge will come. I think that this is the goal of sites like HackThis!!, you face a problem, you learn trying to solve the problem, then other problem etc…

I agree with Eric Steven Raymond: http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html
I think so he is told everything what needed to begin a hacker.
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

I just though the Hacking is one of the 3 bigest part of the IT.
3 big part:
[] Hacking
[] Game/Simulations/+Programing
[*] Robotics
Those are the IT most hardest parts.
But i think, if i need to define the hacker word, then maybe something like:
“That person(s), who is known more, then that person(s), who is get hacked”
(yes, i don’t like to needlessly complicating the things). :D
Most people are not stupid, just ignorant…

I like the answer you wrote. There are definitely a few things that I would add just so that people know what they’re really getting into. It seems as though this is the day of Kali Linux. Everyone I know thinks that hacking is simply penetrating networks via metasploit. They have no idea that there are other avenues to explore. Cracking, hacking, phone phreaking all fall under the umbrella of hacking.
I would say that the first place they should begin on their journey is to research hacking culture. If they haven’t read The Hacker’s Manifesto, I would suggest they do so. Watch “hackers” the movie (just for shits and grins). Go back further and get a glimpse of what old school hackers were like. I say this because in order to really BE a hacker, they need to FEEL what it feels like to be a hacker. They need to capture the essence of the hacker culture, because without that, they’ll never really get it. They’ll be “security enthusiasts” instead - Mindless script kiddies poking and prodding in the dark without purpose. Hackers are not simply inventors either. This isn’t lifehacks.com. you didn’t “hack” someone’s facebook because they left their session open on your computer and you posted under their name. This, hacking, is different. It is palpable, it is real.

Being a hacker is a social status given to you by other hackers and not by yourself
Rule #1 of being a hacker: stop wanting it
WaRWolFz crew