The Watcher [Game]

TH3 Cr3aToR [L3gand]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


This is a story about a hacker. It’s your duty to complete the game.


You have to post 1- 2 sentence but do not end it let other members do it.
Obey the forum rules.
You can add characters but do not bring many

**Characters **[/center] [center]**Max **- Hero **Linda **- Heroine more will be added

let me start first..

My name is MAX, i am hacker. Today the government is after me for killing the vice president, but i didn’t do it. Some one framed me and i have to find HIM… .
[ 6 months earlier ]

Today i am having a date with linda……

SIGKILL [r4v463]
8 years ago


What Max didn’t know is that Linda works for the government.

TH3 Cr3aToR [L3gand]
8 years ago


so he went to the date and decided to plant a bug on her cell phone, so that he can trace it.

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