11 years ago


its this simple

go to start type run and in run type iexpress

follow the steps to make a self extarcting archive make it silent add both programs the virus and the clean exe typically i use havij and say its cracked upload it to pastebin and in minutes 50 or more hits for sure or atleast 20 you have to make multiple posts so i suggest to use skid paste no paste and pastebin make sure in iexpress that you have the virus instal first than post install command is your clean exe

11 years ago


yolo lol

11 years ago


Good I like this!

11 years ago


good but very weak and any one can extract your archived virus and files so go to google and search for hidding extract here in rar with hex and you will get something new and respectable for hidding ur viRus

11 years ago


I guess that the point is that not many people will do that. Even in these forums sadly…

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


oxide, Seen the vid, and i have to say that i wasted 20 min of my life waiting for an idea of the vid and all i got was huh??!?!?

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I don’t mean to be supercilious or even sound pretentious or even a boring old fart but I have to say this, It’s n00bs that send viruses and trojans out over the internet and compromise systems that give hackers a bad name. In fact they are not hackers in the real context of the word, they are crackers. It was hackers that built the internet and idiot minded people who mess things up for the rest of us. Hey That’s a real good name for them “Crackers”. because they must be crackers and attention seeking little shits to send out a virus using the many ways they can be sent. Sorry for being an ass but I really hate the “A” “HOLES” that send people viruses.

11 years ago


good reply anonra and it is so bad for saying it but every one have a mind and no one is like the other if your not a cracker just stay a hacker and have peace in your heart to not making this old shit things with my respect

[deleted user]
11 years ago


The reason I feel this way King155 is because it was a real twat that sent a virus to a disabled friend and upset them so much because they couldn’t get access to other friends outside because of their disability. She has learning difficulties and got real upset. Took us some time to get her up and running again, (so to speak) but it caused her a lot of stress. That’s mostly why I feel the way I do. I could write a virus, they are simple and when written in assembly harder to stop. But why have the mind set to hurt someone so vulnerable? Sad people! :(

11 years ago


YES it’s very sad people and no body will change others before they change their selfs

11 years ago


agree with king 155

YuMan [Flosh]
10 years ago


Excellent XD.. !!

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