Basic+ Level 5 Hint?

Squashed image

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I’ve been attempting to complete this level for days now, and haven’t found the username/password. Which is bad considering how easy the level is.

xxxx [TheShadowman]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


You need to think of other ways to view the picture aside from in your photo viewer.
Think about how to view the picture in a text format. Then you can scan the text for user names and passwords.
If you need any more hints just ask.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Hi - you’re right it is fairly easy (once you know), but took me some time as well at 1st, use notepad to open the pic (much like lvl 4), as with most notes - read it (unless you read computer i’d sudgest reading the english parts as its a long story and you wouldn’t want to get bored before you find the answer!)

Hope this helps

[deleted user]
11 years ago


That’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve been using notepad to view the source code…

xxxx [TheShadowman]
11 years ago


Remember you can always use ctrl + f to search the text.

11 years ago


ColdDaVinci, have sent you a mail highlighting what i’d call “the best of the spoilers” from other comments (after reading them now to see if i could give a better clue without giving the answer) - please think long n hard before reading the mail as although it doesn’t give you the answer it realy does take the ‘fun/purpose’ out the excersise

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Yeah man, no spoilers. I really was just after an extra hint. I won’t read it. And as for the ctrl + f, well I really don’t know what I could look for. Lol. No more hints, thanks.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


This is really driving me up the wall… I can’t believe I still haven’t solved it.

11 years ago


BIG HINT: Last row

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Damn it man, you shouldn’t have told me that. But thanks.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


O.M.G, the reason why I did not find the username or password was because I did not have the full file contents. I just downloaded another copy and replaced it and completed the level. To think, I could have completed that level days ago if I had the full files content…

[deleted user]
11 years ago


And man that level really was easy.

Eric [iluvz2sp00ge]
11 years ago


Hex editor is your friend - i was putting password + PK haha took me a while to just try the password on its own…


ColdDaVinci all the levels when you know how to do them bud! :)

11 years ago


what is the PK?

[deleted user]
11 years ago


You can use the notepad as well which is available in windows by default to complete this level.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


True idletester. I spent a while looking for the user and pass, I did not see either at all, because for some reason I didn’t have the full file contents. Downloaded it again and there they were. I heard it was a bug.

10 years ago


what does that “PK” after password mean ?

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Hi Kunal PK are the initals of Phil Katz, co-creator of the ZIP file format and author of PKZIP. ZIP it’s used in Adobe Photoshop’s native file. Nothing to do with the password. Okay? :)


Hi ANONRA did you read this article: Phillip Katz, computer programmer, born November 3 1962; died April 14 2000? I know it was some time ago but Kunal’s post just brought it back to me.

Phillip Katz, who has died aged 37, in a Milwaukee motel room of complications from alcholism, was the creator of one of the internet’s most popular programs, PK Zip.

Almost all the programs on the internet have been compressed into zip files, the format Katz developed and made popular though the Phil Katz Zip program. PKZip allows software publishers to package many different programs into one file, which is easier for users to download. It uses sophisticated algorithms to compress the zip file and make it smaller, saving users countless hours of telephone time.


[deleted user]
10 years ago


Yeah IDLETESTER I read it many moons ago! Thanks for the reminder! :)

10 years ago


Thanks @ANONRA and @idletester
that “PK” confused me , i was putting pass+PK :p till i saw @iluvz2sp00ge ’s post and completed the level :)

[deleted user]
10 years ago


That’s great mate I am glad to help and clear that up for you. Well done on passing the level. Or like you get on HACKTHISSITE Congratz! :)


You are welcome kunai well done and good luck.

10 years ago


Plz i have a question and i need help from you all.
i have pass Basic 4 and 5, but i will like to know how can we differentiat between the password and other text in the pics at Basic 4 in Basic 5 it was clear. in Basic 4 i saw the username but had to watchout a video on youtube to have the password and i did not appreciate that because it was like coping. if any hinte that can be of use to me.


10 years ago


hi i am selva i m intrased in hacking

rushA [xzy123prog]
10 years ago


@vonpimpo are you saying you don’t know how the password was determined from the file?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Indeed, @vonpimpo has no idea how he collected the password. IMO, it is unreasonable to say that he has already completed these levels.

10 years ago


@freewind1012 , i think i was clear on my post, i had the username but had to view a video on you tube to have the password, @xzy123prog you had it all, i don’t know how the password wad determined from the file.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@vonpimpo: How to find the password? The same way to find the username. Because you watched YouTube to pass Basic+ Level 5, how about watching another video which is good enough to explain why and how?

10 years ago


i dont understand why he put that PK after the pass :/ ? why exacly there ?

10 years ago


some deleted user ( :p ) said earlier : “Hi Kunal PK are the initals of Phil Katz, co-creator of the ZIP file format and author of PKZIP. ZIP it’s used in Adobe Photoshop’s native file. Nothing to do with the password. Okay?”

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


i read that , and i know what that PK means , my question was why the initials of the co-creator or the ZIP file format are after a password in a JPG file ? it has nothing to do with it , JPG images and ZIP files , i think it’s just to confuse the user :o

10 years ago


I think it’s because the password is in a zip file hidden in the JPG

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


[quote=chezare]I think it’s because the password is in a zip file hidden in the JPG [/quote]
The name’s steganography.

10 years ago


thank’s @freewind1012 :)

Spidy [spidy96]
10 years ago


That little PK wasted my 2834 seconds :D

9 years ago


Thanks! This Thread helped me complete this level :) Cheers

Mr. Cyph3r [MrCyph3r]
9 years ago


Well done man, well done :)

BirdsEye [fkhair]
8 years ago


@Kurtz @TheShadowman Thanks to every contributor of this forum specially Kutz and TheShadowman. your contributions helps me solving the leve.

8 years ago


I think I’m having a bug, but someone correct me if I’m wrong. I’m opening the file in my browser and saving it and then opening it with a text editor but there are only four lines of code with the EXIF info about the picture which contains no discernable English apart from that it was made with Adobe Photoshop. Someone mentioned earlier that there was a bug that caused it not to display the full code. I’ve deleted and redownloaded the file multiple times now with the same result. Anyone know a solution for the bug or something else I could try? Should be really easy, I passed level 4 without much issue.

8 years ago


freee now get it
yooooo it’s me…opp 333 ..coo

8 years ago


you can’t post name adressyou need submit adress …dammm assss

4 years ago | reply to #18380


Thank You! I was allready going crazy

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