Security level ?

Time Void [Chronon]
8 years ago


Hey admins, what if you make a security level.
the level will provide a source code or a web or whatever that was vulnerable to some kind of attacks.
and then we have to edit the source code or whatever that is to make it secure ?

i don’t know pretty much about making challenges so i can only post an idea, hehehe

i dont know if this was a good idea, but…. just sayin'

TH3 Cr3aToR [L3gand]
8 years ago


That’s a good idea. So we can use our codes to protect the site and other members try to hack it. I like it

Time Void [Chronon]
8 years ago


yea, i think so. that’s why post it.
i will contact the admins, let see…

TH3 Cr3aToR [L3gand]
8 years ago


Best wishes !

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