SQL as first language?

8 years ago


What do you guys think if start learning SQL without knowing any other languages?

8 years ago


That it is an odd choice, but whatever floats your boat, I guess.

SQL isn’t a general purpose language, so I don’t really think you should view it as an alternative to other(/general purpose) languages.

8 years ago


dloser, just according to the raiting of most demanded languages, it seems to be pretty nice thing to learn. But i don’t even know what this language is about and what is capable of :( . Image

8 years ago


“Pretty nice” apparently means something different to you than it does to me. I’m also not saying “don’t learn it”, just that it is an odd thing to pick it as your first language. But perhaps first figure out what SQL actually is…

SIGKILL [r4v463]
8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


SQL is a language to communicate from a server to a database, it’s not a programming language such as the others programming languages of your picture.

8 years ago


@r4v463: Did you mean “it’s not** a programming language such as the other …”?

Anyway, IOS isn’t either (whatever they mean with it), nor is Rails.

Also wouldn’t say SQL is “to communicate from a server to a database”, but more that it is a way to interact with (relational) databases.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
8 years ago


Yes I mean not x) I’ll edit my post.

For iOS, I think they mean Objective-C and Swift

I was trying to make things as easy as possible because he don"t even know what’s SQL, so I was trying to give him an overview of that ^^


It depends on what you want to be? If you want to be a DBA, you just need knowledge of SQL, but if you opt for programmer then you have to learn at least one programming knowledge.
In case you opt for hacker, you will have to learn many!

8 years ago


DBA is one of the most sought-after jobs right now. Get your hands on some experience and SQL will be an excellent language to back you up.

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