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Hi, I’m French and I started this site and it’s been a few days that I have a passion for programming, encoding, encryption, hacking, etc …. In short, the problem is that I started on everything and I do not know what to do to be able to learn all that (hacking, programming, coding …) I’d really like to be able to handle it all with ease, so if people can advise me or even teach me, I will be very pleased.
I know there’s exercises for hacking but the problem is that I started as I said above, and I have no idea how successful the exercises, please advise me, teach me, I really want to master this passion.
I do not know if this site is still active but I hope someone qualified answer me.
I want a good evening and a good day for people who read this msg.
TimotheeHacking cordially, France

[s]Talking[/s] Writting in english would be a start, so that others can help you and answer your questions.
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

If you want to hack something, first you need to learn how to make it.
For example if you want to hack a website, you must know how a website is made! and what are the weak points that can be exploited.
@r4v463 is a great guy, he can help you and he is french too
Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>

I can confirm, I’m very great :p
but @Henri2001 C and C++ are really not the same languages nowadays, so saying that you have to learn C or C++ means nothing, and I’m not sure that learning CSS is very useful. Only @dloser can find an exploit in the CSS.

@r4v463 C and C++ are very different indeed, but they have the same origins, and the syntax is not quite different. I said that because I know that C is very useful in hacking, but personnaly prefer C++ for it’s oriented-object side. You’re right, CSS isn’t really useful for hacking but learning CSS comes with HTML in most tutorials. Sorry for bad spelling, my mother-tongue is french

@RichardBrook: “Writting in english” chuckles
@r4v463**: CSS can indeed be very helpful, as we saw in last year’s CTF. ;)
@TimotheeHacking**: Mastering something takes time (and effort). What you do exactly doesn’t really matter, just keep at it and make sure you keep learning.

[quote=dloser]RichardBrook: “Writting in english” chuckles[/quote]
Post was in french when submitted ~2 months ago.
[s]writting[/s] -> writing
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

The way I am learning is by having a precise goal, and learn what I need to achieve it. When I started on hackthis, my knowledge where very poor, I’m fact, I only knew Java. But, to complete the levels, I started learning html and python. At this point, as I am getting stuck at the 2nd SQLI level, I probably gonna learn MySQL, and I will setup my test server to do so… learning things about linux to, for sure… I can’t tell you how to learn things, but I like to do it this way, and it makes me learn something new everyday.
Travailler l'Anglais est alement tr utile, mais si tu as besoin d'explication en franis, sens toi libre de m'envoyer un MP.
I hope it will be use full to you or someone else!

For beginners I say you should start off with javascricpt, HTML, CSS, etc.