PoodleCorp? (WTF GUYS)

I don’t have anything to say. I just wanted to know wtf they are doing and spread the word that they’re active.
Not to mention, I’m requesting Cloudfare stop serving protection to Poodlecorp.org here soon so I can fuck these assholes over. :)
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Look into DDoSing ;)
( its illegal btw, so only if you want to :) )
And yes, I know someone is going to pop-out that magical disclaimer that I’ve read 5-million times. So plz, dont. :)
There’s no place like

Mates, just don’t talk/plan illegal stuff, you know it’s against the rules. :P
PoodleCorp is yet again one of these shits that bought an amazing tool from a real hacker and use it to bully Youtubers.. SoSad.
And about CloudFlare, they are greedy corporate shits, do you really think they give a single one about them protecting PoodleCorp?
Nah, as long as they pay they are fine, maybe if the media catches on to it they will start to sweat. :)
To say it in a short way:
As long people still pay attention to ‘heavy breathing autistic as hell brony keyboard warriors’ like PoodleCorp, they will continue.
Not giving a single one is the only way to bore them to death. :)
Or get some cops on their asses, that does wonders as well. (40+ times hacking charges which equal 40+ burglaries, meh, I’d say 10+ years jail time each.)

Oh and Poodle also uses social engineering to steal the phone number used for 2-factor authentication.

@DOSmaster I know, just kidding :p

Yep, because in meatspace I’m on here in the boss' time so can’t spend too much time nesting spoilers. :P
I’ll do 50 nests next time, if possible, OK? :P

Hello :)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

No, I mean

There’s no place like

What about python though:
def main():
bbcstr = “”
inception_range = 50
for int in range(inception_range):
bbcstr = bbcstr + "[%spoiler%]"
bbcstr = bbcstr + " Hello :) "
for int in range(inception_range):
bbcstr = bbcstr + "[%/spoiler%]"
print bbcstr
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