Hello World
8 years ago
from what i’ve seen till now , from stupidly easy challenges to mind blowingly hard ones .. i really like this website .
i’m a 19 years old guy from Algeria and i speak 3 languages and you could say i’m a gamer o-o
in a few months i’ll begin my 1st year in university studying computer science , it seems like a decision i wont regret since i do like programming and i’ll be studying for the first time stuff i’m passionate about like C and Pascal ? ( it’s old idk why we studying it .. ) + some math and algebra :/ ..
i never made apps nor games nor websites but i did complete most of CodeCademy’s courses ( the free ones atleast ) so i can say with confidence that i have basic understanding of some languages
i rarely ask questions since i love the satisfaction of learning stuff on my own , also because Google usually has answers to anything ^^ .
Thanks for reading :)

Hi :)
If you’re into Pascal you should converse with @DOSmaster . He introduced me and I love the language :)
There’s no place like

Pascal is old, but C is older. :P
Just because a language is ‘old’ doesn’t mean it’s obsolete.
It also depends on what flavour of Pascal you use.
Do you use RAD studio (Delphi) or FPC/Lazarus (FreePascal)?
With Delphi I made this during the weekend without any weird tricks or frameworks. (It’s FMX, which is a standard component lib of RAD since XE5 IIRC.)
Sure, it’s quite ugly still but that’s mainly because I spent a solid 10 minutes building the UI. :P
But to stop being a complete Delphi fanfag, it depends on your end goal.
If you want to make something that’s close to the hardware, pick C and mix ASM into it. (Delphi also supports in-line ASM so theoretically you could build drivers with Delphi which I have done past year. Was a small custom FAT-32 driver for an embedded system job.)
If you want something stable, fast and don’t want to spend hours trying to create a UI, pick Delphi/Pascal.
8 years ago
Well thanks for the inspiration and kind replies and i do agree on the fact that an Old language isnt necessarily obsolete :)

I agree with everyone else on this one. C and ASM are great languages. If you have the passion for them, go for it. Not many people have the patience to deal with C or ASM.