Reverse engineering

I was completing a ctf (Capture the flag) competition and their was a level of Reverse engineering
and i loved it
but i don’t know about you guys
so comment and tell me
for those who don’t know what is reverse engineering
check this
and Bonus
i have already made a challenge
Username :- admin
output :-
find the pass ??????dismiss if u get any warning

I could put together something if flabby wants a reversing challenge on HT. solid idea, but I don’t know if that is the direction flabs wants to go. @flabbyrabbit

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Me too. A Practical series of crackmes that allow a user to progress and learn. They’re a lot of fun. A lot of sites just throw in apps of various difficulty. It would be nice to see a series that builds on knowledge as you progress.
8 years ago
Would be cool. RE tasks are easy to maintain, it’s not like you have to setup a exploitation task and look out for the whole network, isolation of runtime of that task, jailing etc etc … Also RE is such an useful skill.
I can contribute some tasks too.

What about a “cracking” section instead? It’s almost the same. I even could provide some levels, as C or C++ programs. Serial numbers validation, modifications of specific vars/values, stuff like that. I saw these kind of reverse challenges on other websites. Rather simple to create and interesting to solve for every challengers. I’m pretty sure Flabby would enjoy to add these.

Imagine a “ Cracking” section, as “Coding” is. With some levels inside, where you have to download some C or C++ apps. The purpose there would be to debug, decompile or disassemble the apps, to understand how the source code works, and then modify the application in order to complete the level. Just pure RE challenges.
[EDIT] I’ll try to make one and post it here asap, by the way you’ll be able to try it and give some feedback..

Personally, I would prefer Reverse Engineering levels.
If we had fully active moderators that would be willing to review answers, one could submit an overview of what a given executable does, or a file like foo.c that replicates the functions of the executable.
While this is a lot more work, a user would learn a lot. :)
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No need for moderators, this question can be about finding secret text in a program or simulating the algorithm with different programming language. An easy example would be like cracking a serial number generator. Or we can just ask to replace some bytes in executable file to bypass protection mechanism, and submit the file. The executable file then will be validated by comparing the hash.

I was referring to the essence of the question, not in a literal sense. The ability to crack is useful, but first, a user should develop a good foundation in terms of reverse engineering. This challenge would be more beneficial to the user that is learning.
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I really think that reverse engineering is the essence of the spirit of hacking. Question is, is it possible to become a good hacker without this kind of knowledge? IMO, it’s not. What’s yours?

In my opinion, I believe that all the great hackers are fluent in all aspects of technology, therefore, to be labeled a great hacker, you should be fluent in assembly, reverse engineering it, and the exploitation of vulnerabilities in an executable. Otherwise, you can be a specialist in a field, which is still cool.
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hacking is finding shortcuts to do/solve a problem
and if u want to find the “shortcut” u first gotta know the long way
and as HackingGuy said
[quote=HackingGuy] I believe that all the great hackers are fluent in all aspects of technology, therefore, to be labeled a great hacker, you should be fluent in assembly, reverse engineering it, and the exploitation of vulnerabilities in an executable[/quote]
u gotta have some knowledge about “all aspects”

[quote=gala]link to download[/quote]
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