Goverment spying has started
11 years ago
Everything you do is getting monitored, emails, visited sites etc etc. Does that mean visiting this site will count as suspicious activity? Are proxy servers not good enough anymore to prevent being spied on?
11 years ago
Ok, I’ll re-phrase that. “Help prevent being spied on.”
i bake therefore im fried!!
if they are monitoring my email without a warrant that is a violation of my privacy id love the pigs to come to my house ill have a lawyer in 5 minutes they can tap the phones if they want but unless a judge signs a warrant it will be dismissed immediatley and i can sue them
i bake therefore im fried!!
11 years ago
Hmm. I’m more concerned about the pages I visit etc, rather than messages.
11 years ago
Anyhow, that said, I’ve started using a proxy server again. (
i really don’t give 2 shits what they are watching it is illegal point blank fucking period if they come get me they come get me all my code i release is under non malicious purposes and i dont hack anything or deface or distribute malware without somebodies permission to try out a rat etc or a keylogger so at no time have i broken the law just them viewing my pages i visit is extremely illegal good luck feds i really dont give afuck you come if you do
i bake therefore im fried!!

You know i really want to know what they are getting out of spying on people. it makes no fucking sense. they can spy on us but not the other way around? then if something big happens in the cyber world they blame people like us. im truly almost done with the fucking internet… this shit is sickening and it really makes me want to puke. its like they want to know everything about us, so might as well give it to the, FUCK YOU! i am in in my country to stand for whats right and to be ready to help at anytime, but this shit i will not stand for.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the Evilest mother fucker in the God damn valley.
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
ya the united states has turned into communism internet censorship and our ammendment rights are violated like it doesn’t matter this is the home of the trapped and the land of the deceived
i bake therefore im fried!!

I do take a lot of precautions !!
First , i never keep my private files on a machine connected to internet and never connect my private machine to the internet !! haha That’s clear !!
And always use a live cd to do shit over the net !!! God I love it !! lol
@oxide is very correct it never seemed to that USA will go crazy to such an extent !!! Now the word “Pirvacy” no longe exists !!
Stay safe guys !!!
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
Avoid Skype, avoid the new Xbox, cover your webcam, cover the front camera on your smartphone, turn your router off at night (if you turn your computer off), wear sunglasses and a big leather jacket even at night time, change your name to Morpheus, don’t use Facebook, have multiple mobile phones for texting, only use cash.
Or be a white hat and stop looking at CP.
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
I have nothing to hide either, that’s what is so upsetting… i have nothing to hide, yet they insist on watching us.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the Evilest mother fucker in the God damn valley.
11 years ago
I do care. I would have thought they had better things to do than watch me play 8 Ball Multiplayer pool. What they gonna do, play with me? Lol.
11 years ago
Well… whatever. Shit happens anyway. And lol flabby, I like the video.

Now guys the COPs can’t watch you the NSA and the FBI does and the FBI also deals with computer hackers. but just visiting this site will be monitored by program not man, but can be looked up very very easily through PRISM or maybe another method. The USA uses PRISM like Stalkers use MySpace. And they started this in 2007. Oh and MasterZagrad it would be helpful if you looked at this Oh and I love the video Flabby
“When you die I will laminate you’re skeleton and pose you in the lobby.”
Veni Vidi Vici
nice video Flabby And i agree cpn1000 most cops probably dont even know how to turn a computer on never mind cracking firewalls to watch peoples computer but even if we are being watched i dont think theyll care about most of the stuff we do not unless were robbing banks or hacking multi million pound/dollar corporations.Plus if your stupid enough to keep to be hacking and to let yourself get caught its your own fault.

i broken the law just them viewing my pages i visit is extremely illegal good luck feds i really dont give afuck you come if you do
Ummm… Recommending using a PRIVATE, not public, private– vpn and/or starting a free net circle….. Thus, you’ll be pretty untraceable. Also, probably starting creating your own system of networking utalizing your own internet protocol utilities. Custom packets and systems for communication for your machines talking. Note that you’ll have some trouble surfing the web and yeah…. good luck with that one.
Just, really maintain your network, monitor what types/how many/how big/etc packets are communicating and the over all talking of your machine, don’t recycle passwords, use multiple emails signed on from different networks, and never use them for the same purpose. Overall erase yourself from the “net”. Keep low key and sneak around the web. I can’t say much because kind of not really doing all of that myself but I’m getting all of the procedures together and ready to “disappear” from the system. My friends and I like to call it “Project Exile” lol :P cheesy huh?
In conclusion Monitor your crap–, build and program all of your shit (who can you trust? and even if it’s a very basic language…. also the lower the better). When it comes to text messaging, build your own phone. Don’t youtube “how to build a phone” but take time out and find out how these systems communicate. I mean look (all theoretical), how many people use the internet today? Simply configure a device using arduino, assembly, or whatever you please, and have a program constantly sending packets in random directions testing the strength around of networks. Since, as I mentioned earlier, there are so many people around us daily, unless you live in a rural area which I highly doubt because most people I know that do still use dial up therefore makes it incredibly difficult to become a hacker, the signal should be pretty strong. We’re not talking about using towers here y ‘know but your own device whether it’s a wifi phone or whatever, fm, am radio, whatever. That will be the basics to detect a strong signal and network just as you would need to know to send a text message on a regular phone. Then program it to inject packets of the data containing the content from your text message, do encrypt, and send it via internet and eventually reaching it’s destination. Thinking about security and firewalls and ttl I really it would probably take multiple sends and more than likely you should randomize the send.
Sorry I’m going on but, basically you cannot trust anybodies technology you should create your own which can even be done with the cheapest, basic, and generic of devices. Tinker a bit and research how radio waves work, what strengths they run at for specific communications/devices, and how machinery on networks talk to eachother. Right there just by doing that you should be able to be confident enough to breach any system lol. Forget using tools the best hackers/pent testers make their own.
I’m going on as I’m contemplating ideas also so have fun with these theories I have yet to test. It’ll take a lot but rather be safe than sorry. Right?
P.s. yeah even if you encrypt the data you send it can be hackable/readable but when you’re constantly moving around who’s really going to notice one random packet? Plus you’re constantly using random networks so you don’t have to worry about being traced back you’ll be down the street by time your traced or even a week before they even notice one stray packets, which not to mention would be long dead or bouncing around in random areas loosing and scrambling data. Kind of a win win if you ask me :) lol Screw being monitored, and yeah…. F- the NSA Happily and proudly said.
Be safe, and Happy hacking
Cheers! again :P