Additionnal hint if you got stuck

Intro 4

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


So you’re stuck in this level 4 and the base hint doesn’t help you much? Here’re some more help about what to do (OF COURSE, EVEN IF I DON’T GIVE THE ANSWER, THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS!!! IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW THEM, QUIT READING!!!)

The base hint tells you there’s a hidden field on the page. The problem is that it’s hidden (duh)
However, it is still coded on the source page. So if you look for a hidden element in the code (you know the “type==”? Its purpose is to specify each element, for instance: “type == ‘Password’) you’ll find it ;)

Hint for the newbie in coding: the type for a hidden element simply is “hidden” ;)

Personnally I was stuck there, and after this point I found out myself

I hope it helped! ;)

8 years ago


When I do CTRL+F and search for “hidden”, “password”, “type” or any other key words that I can think of I get no results??
(with “username” I get useless results)

I can’t find anything useful in the source code, I’ve looked up and down a few times..

I’m gonna take a break for now but if anyone knows what I’m doing wrong or what the problem is please help?:P


GetzMonay, you need to open respective page’s source code

Smyler [WHGhost]
8 years ago


The password isn’t in the level’s page source code, but, is still “linked” to it… There are a lot of infos by looking for password in the code.

Good luck

3 replies have been removed
8 years ago


I still don’t understand. The way I learn is by doing. For instance, by doing number one and two, I was able to do number three, but I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do. Spoilers are welcome.

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7 years ago


It is possible to extend a url to link to another page

7 years ago


my godness this level is some how difficult what’s to do nigga

7 years ago


As already said, everything you need is linked in the page' source code. Follow them if needed.

7 years ago


it is my first try in hacking i got here i found the hiden file but stil cant find the username and the password ,guys i dnk what you are talking about but how can we find them simply ^^ ?

7 years ago


but what is the username ?


Hi there, please I need an help from you, can you crack and predict a weak NUMBER GENERATOR? You’ll be compensated for the Job at any price of your choice.

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