Thread Tricks!

[h3]Hiya, here are some thread tricks i know
Feel free to add more :)[/h3]
Common Markups
Bold - [ b ]
Italics - [ i ]
Underline - [ u ]
[s]Steikethrough[/s] - [ s ]
[left]Left Align - [ left ][/left]
Center Align - [ center ]
[right]Right Align - [ right ][/right]
[sup]Super[/sup]Script - [ sup ][ /sup ]
[sub]Sub[/sub]Script - [ sub ][ /sub ]Big - [ h3 ][ /h3 ]
Bigger - [ h2 ][ /h2 ]
Biggest - [ h1 ][ /h1 ]
I love colors - [ color=(name or hex)] [ /color ]
This gradient text is surely weird - I use this (thanks to [url=]gala)[/Spoiler]
<!- : ) - :)
B ) - B)
: | - :|
: o - :o
: D - :D
: ( - :(
: @ or >: ( - :@
: s - :s
; ) - ;)
: p - :p
: / - :/
< 3 - <3
Cool Stuff!
My Page :) - [ url =]Oh Yeah!![ /url ]
- [ img ] URL [ /img ]
Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>

It is very inconvenient to read many posts that are interrelated so just try to edit you first post to add all the things
Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>

Yup sure you can do, i was just saying it is inconvenient, so try to edit, as it is easier to read
Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>

I tested all of them and just mentioned the ones that are supported on HT, making it easier for other. And about title, its just to make it more interesting :p
Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>

Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>


Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>