I’m looking at the source code (nothing new here), but the only included
Where is the redirect coming from??
@lynstbag : That is something you need to figure out to complete the level.
Don’t just look at the
@tl0tr I’m really stuck
I also checked onload/on… attributes
You are looking in correct url?
@lynstbag : Did you check the external files?
@bolofecal I am looking at /levels/javascript/5
@tl0tr It’s just a few libraries that are being included, nothing outstanding
Great. You know how to include an external script file?
@bolofecal Just tell me what I’m missing please [quote=me]but the only included
[quote=lynstbag]It’s just a few libraries that are being included, nothing outstanding[/quote]
You sure? Check harder.
I’m out. Tried with ctrl+f “<script”, it’s just jquery.min.js, socket.io, etc.
Maybe you should look through etc.
@HackingGuy That did it
also I searched for wrong commands when I first tried going through the scripts
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