Learning Java!

Hey guys, I am now the Team Captain (President) of our school’s UIL Computer Science group! I am very excited to learn and interact with my fellow peers at tackling challenges involving Computer Science and Programming. However, I seem to have a small problem I need some feedback on!
I understand that the UIL Computer Science Championships involve programming in the Java language. Which, is yet another object-orientated language. Now I am still new to Java, but not really new to object-orientated languages. I have a small understanding of C#. Which, looking at the syntax of Java, it’s not too much different from C#. They still have “methods” and “classes”, as well as defining variables as things like “boolean”, “string”, “int”, “double”, etc….
Well, I feel like I can probably learn or catch on quickly, the Java language; though other members of my club (only a few) are not that tech savvy (don’t forget, I am living in the country (and back-woods) :P). My fellow team mates do wish to learn and study in the relative fields though, and they are all fast learners (so I’m sure teaching them what I know won’t be hard). Though what are some great educational platforms for learning Java? I’d think like Codecademy or Khan Academy right? Remember, I have about 1 month to teach them at least the basics!
However, I need to know some really great informational and interactive platforms to use to program in the Java language. I believe we can use Windows to program during the contest (though only a compiler and relative tools are allowed to be installed; anything else will result in disqualification), so I need to know some programs that I need to be installing on our school-provided computers to work with Java. I don’t think there is a plugin for Java for MS Visual Studio 2015 CE Edition (please tell me if there is one I may have missed). What software do we need to do this as far as compilers go? I can install the JDK for Windows to compile and execute programs through a terminal (command prompt), which is fine as far as a compiler goes. Though currently, I’ve been using Nano to edit Java files (it would make sense to use something like Sublime or Notepad++ right?), so what are some good IDEs that I could use?
Here is their home page: http://www.uiltexas.org/academics/stem/computer-science
Thanks for any feedback in advance :)
Where is Caesar when you need him?

As far as teaching the basics, I would consider going through syntax, then move on to more advanced topics.
If you’re operating on Windows, become familiar with a good IDE such as Eclipse or BlueJ.
Once you become familiar with higher level things such as Hashmaps and Polymorphism, then I’d consider you semi-able to teach. Until then, just get them started on codeacademy.com
There’s no place like

Thanks for the feedback @HackingGuy
Where is Caesar when you need him?

The website’s description isn’t very clear on using an IDE. Better make sure you are allowed to use them (and which of them). Is NetBeans still a thing? I think that might be a better choice to start with. (Not that I have much experience in this area.) In any case, being able to do the same without an IDE is probably a good backup.
On the right side of that page you linked, there are some PDFs with some suggestions for teaching and some example material. They are meant for real teachers, but it can be useful regardless and probably gives you a rough idea of the level of knowledge that is expected.

Java isnt a language that you can learn or teach in one month. It take lot of time to practice and learn things and specially the proper usage of oo languages take much time.
Speaking about IDEs i dont suggest any of them until you know actually what is happened around.
I presonally used brackets for coding but sublime is pretty better, it can also compile your code there only.
books for beginners :
Java a primer by balaguruswany (very nicely and simply explained)
Head first java (very easy and nice but i got fed up soon, it treats as if we are 5 yrs kids)
Once you are familiar with java, IDEs you can use are NetBeans and Eclipse (i prefer netbeans)
Good luck :)
BTW @BlackVikingPro, what’s the ascii art in your forum signature?
Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>

@dloser Thanks for the help and feedback :), same for you @-ArmaGeddON-
@-ArmaGeddON- That would be just a parsing error (on HackThis’s behalf) of the output of the command “figlet BlackVikingPro” in my terminal on my Windows :)
Where is Caesar when you need him?