Web Security Dojo 2.0

f0rk [HackingGuy]
8 years ago


Hey guys :)

I was scrolling through vulnhub looking for another b0x to r00t and found this beauty. It comes with DVWA, Webgoat, and tons of other practice tools. Hope the n00bz out there benefit mostly. :)

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


Did you test it? What about a comparison with Kali or Backbox?


kali is an OS i guess
they are just venerable systems
and does is have matasploitable 2 ??

f0rk [HackingGuy]
8 years ago


To answer your questions,

@dimooz: It’s a xUbuntu box that you boot up from VirtualBox. I dual boot Kali with windows, so I boot into Kali and then start running the box. It’s ok.

@gala: I’m not 100% sure, but both of the metasploitable VMs are attainable via vulnhub.


OK but i don’t care i already have all other working [venerable systems ]

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