Dedicated Servers

So, I have been interested in getting my hands on some servers, then leasing them out to customers for a fair price per month.
I was wondering, however. I have been looking at the 1U Dell Servers that have about 2.6 Ghz CPU using the Xeon processor’s (about 8gb cache) <- (I think). So, I was wondering…. Say a client/customer wanted to host a Minecraft Server using the dedicated server.. How should that whole system work? Because I have a few servers on my home router, in which I can’t run 2 different computers hosting Minecraft on the same port (or can you???). Therefore, this would mean that once that one client sets up port forwarding for the server, then it’s totally dedicated and unique to that machine only. Leaving all other customers unable to host a Minecraft server.. So I don’t understand, how could companies like NFOServers host dedicated game servers if they’re all on the same broadband connection? (or are they???…..).
Also, in order to host a dedicated VPS, that means that one customer has 1 server all to themselves.. And a shared server means that multiple clients share that one server… Do all I have to do is to set up several accounts (non-root) on the same server and release access to the paying customers?
I’m really interested in this, as I’ve already started to save money and gather plans on it. I just need a little guidance because I’ve never done this type of thing.. :) Thanks for all the help in advance.
Where is Caesar when you need him?

Do you know about NAT and IP forwarding? You need custom rules on your router to get it working as you expect.

@dimooz Ok, so I’m familiar with NAT and IP forwarding.. Though really my question was if you were to have multiple computers on the same LAN all hosting LAMP servers (just an example); then how would you make it to where those websites are being redirected to the same correct computer? Unless you setup the ports on a different port for each computer, then need to configure the DNS to go to the custom port of the machine. Though this would probably work no that I think of it.. but whenever you go to a hosting company or something, then how do they setup the computers (non-dedicated) to host the services for different machines on the same port?
P.S. I don’t even thing that’s possible?? To host the same service on the same port on the same LAN but have different computers..? I don’t know TBH, could someone like @dloser try explaining it to me? Thanks in advance :)
Where is Caesar when you need him?