Can you re-read all 18,950 mail messages?

8 years ago



I’m new to hacking, i’ve been lacking on learning though.

This isn’t happening straight away ( as i’m not got a clue in in computer hack )

But the thing is, I have 18,950 messages in unread in Yahoo Mail ( I know, someone I don’t read my messages). I’ve tried to delete them from 2008 upwards but somehow it doesn’t seem to be working ( I have deleted over a thousand of messages though, it kinda worked). I tried Yahoo, but they said they would need to actually logged in, actually at my own laptop in my house, and set up a tech program on my computer to read all of the messages in one go.

So I know hacking has no limits to a certain extent, ( I know I couldn’t do hard stuff ) but is there a program or a approach to read my 18, 590 messages in one go? I really would like it because it would stop forevermore from me missing important emails tbh

8 years ago


Try Thunderbird ^^TV guide yesterday to see what would be on during the next 2 or 3 weeks, and I did see a few things that I fancy watching. :D Definitely Doctor Who.

8 years ago


@dimooz thankyou, what exactly does this application do?

8 years ago


Exactly what you’ve been asking for, retrieve emails and make you able to read, sort and delete many of them in one go. Have a look at google…

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U should close the thread u got your answer

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