Mass SMS Spamming

Hey guys, I’ve gotten a great idea for my High School Senior prank.. this idea is rather unique, as I’ve never heard of anybody doing it.
So, on the last day of school, at around 12 pm, I want to launch (from my Linux machine at home), a mass sms spamming system that does exactly what it is called. Mass sms to repeatedly send one specific message that I define to be repeatedly send over and over until stopped manually. Below I have some Visual Basic Script code for Windows that simulates what my goal is, and I want to exactly that, but sending sms. I honestly don’t know where to even start with such a project, I don’t even know what language I should write it in, since I want to run it from my Linux machine, I’d prefer something like C, Python or Java.. Without further or do, my code :)
```dim spamMessage
spamMessage = Inputbox(“Enter your spam message.”)
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WScript.Echo “Spamming in 5 seconds! Get ready and focus!”
WScript.Sleep 5000
WshShell.SendKeys CStr(spamMessage)
WshShell.SendKeys “{ENTER}”
rem This bypasses (or should) anti-spam :)
WScript.Sleep 400
This code will simply ask for some input which is the message you want to repeatedly send, then you just have to focus in on the input box that is your target within 5 seconds of you entering your message (to give the user time to do this step, because if missed it can be bad). I will do a recording of this script in action on my machine later. So far I’ve tested it with Skype, Twitter, and Facebook. So far the only thing that blocks this script is Twitter (that’s after some 20 messages of the same value sent within 1 minute). Other than that, I’ve tested it with IRC and some games like Garry’s Mod and Minecraft, and it works just fine. With little tweaking of the code, you can accomplish more things with it.
Basis still the same, but this script doesn’t use API’s to send messages as the client, but instead acts as if the client (you) themselves were sitting at their laptop typing in the same message and sending it over and over again until stopped manually. This is a nice thing that is fun sometimes (be careful where you do this at, I’ve gotten banned from several places for it XD). So, despite it’s very entertaining action’s, it is limited to one thread (because you can only type on one keyboard at a time). So this wouldn’t be ideal for mass spamming, because you’d have to manually switch between targets to spam them too. So if I were to duplicated this script to send SMS messages, it would only spam just one number (eradicating the “mass” part of my mission). I want to be able to send 1000’s of these messages to at least 500 different phones at one time, running at about 50 messages/minute. I don’t know if that’s even possible, and I’m sure I would have to be careful to NOT crash my pc, though the machine I’d be doing this from runs at a max CPU speed of 3.5 GHz with about 8GB RAM to use..
So, question being for you guys, how would I be able to accomplish this goal using a language like C, Python, or Java? I am not too concerned with the messaging rates because I’m sure this is going to be at least a $500 prank on my school just to send about 1000 messages back to back to so many devices to cause havoc in my school. I would also have to do something about the signal loss in the school, for some reason nobody seems to be able to get any kind of cell service in the school, but you step away about 10 ft from the school and it’s fantastic!
Thanks in advance for any helpful information :)
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Where is Caesar when you need him?