Ive manage to find the e-mail in planet.bid, but I dont have ANY clue of how to continue!
Can someonen PLEASE give me a clue!?
[deleted user] 11 years ago
Now that you have the email, you need to find the password. Go back to PlanetBid, using the admin account. Once there, you’ll need to modify the URL to retrieve information from the database.
It was a confusing level if you ask me, I got stuck after finding the email too, I’m surprised however that it didn’t take me too long to figure out you had to modify the URL. It seems a bit obvious with the email and user sitting there in the URL. :)
maybe , but its annying me that i wrote whrite username ans password, and its say its incorect,
the username of the target is nemisis ( in Beta*mail) ?
[quote=The7X]but its annying me that i wrote whrite username ans password[/quote]
You believe you are correct, but that is not true. Ever read other threads, like this?
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