7 years ago


I understand that the point of the challenge is to get how the variable thecode has been overrided by the code $(‘.level-form #pass’)[0].value. I read that [0] return the variable to its native dom but it doesn’t help me much… is someone happy to help me?

? [bolofecal]
7 years ago | edited 7 years ago


You can just use $('#pass').val(); //.val() to jQuery and analyze the code. Console in this level is your friend.

7 years ago


.val in Jquery or .value in Javasript return or set a value.
[spoiler]Here, to me, $(‘.level-form #pass’)[0].value == thecode set to var ‘thecode’ what we input in the password[spoiler]

7 years ago


I’m really stuck!! Please give me an another hint…

? [bolofecal]
7 years ago


You know the correct variable but you need know its value.

7 years ago


in firebug this code :

shows me what I input in the fieldset label-form name=pass

if I use this straight code
it returns a blank message box

And if you said that thecode is the correct variable and I need to get its value
this code returns undefined…

Is var x = $(thecode).val() similar to $(‘.level-form #pass’)[0].value == thecode ??

? [bolofecal]
7 years ago


Your code have some logic errors. jQuery syntax:

[] A $ sign to define/access jQuery
] A (selector) to “query (or find)” HTML elements
[*] A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s)

I suggest you read about it pm me to prevent spoilers.

5 years ago


i had used console to check the value of the var thecode and the entered the output but it says incorrect what did i do wrong

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


Maybe you should be careful on how you try to read the value of this var :)

derpderp [rsyed]
5 years ago


I don’t think I understand the quirks of JS in regards to reading the value of the variable.

Why is it that console.log(thecode); will not work and gives you the wrong value of “undefined”

however window.prompt(); and window.confirm(); and window.alert(); and document.write(); all give you the value of the variable?
What am I missing about console.log() that the other display methods do differently?

Please let me know if this is too much of a spoiler.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


I can’t tell you there, it would be too much of spoiling, I’ve PMed you ;)

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