Hey everyone, I’m really stuck on level 4. I am a new hacker who’s trying to learn how to hack. I don’t know where to start on level four. Please help me and tell me how to get the user name and password. Thank you.
As for all the main levels, take a look at source code and try to find something interesting. Then follow the track.
I have done that but I can’t find anything….
Well, that will be harder to give you more hints without a spoiler…
The hint on the level page should be enough… almost everything is explained! Maybe you should have another look to the source code?
Ive looked through everything!! I know about the passwordfile and hidden but i dont know what to do with that information. Please help!
unfortunately that’s difficult to tell you more without a spoiler (cf. r4v4g3)… keep searching? you should have missed something..
Congrats for the negative karmas @dimooz :)
nice done, huh? ^^
Give a spoiler then! Im clueless over here…
I got it!!
Congratulations!!! I was sure you’d find it one day or another..
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