Data Breaches

8 years ago


I’m looking to expand my skills on data breaching techniques and server hacks.
I plan to set up my own cluster of servers running windows server and practice on that.
I’m a complete beginner so any information, tips, advice, website blogs, videos whatever that can help me
would be greatly appreciated/

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


First of all you might want to tell us that you want to learn this because you want to know how a hacker thinks, to be able to protect your self and others from being attacked I guess? ;) Data breaches are illegal and in many cases you get a pretty juicy fine to pay, or in some cases you might end up in jail depending on breach type.

But if you want to learn the legal way and stay a whitehat hacker to help people you can check those two sites. Just download Vmware or virtualbox and then follow instructions on one or both of the links below. That’s how you can set up a safe environment to practice any hacking method you like without damaging someone elses property. Good luck, and have fun!

There is a lot of youtube tutorials on how to set this up.
Allso if you want, you can download Kali linux and install on a virtual machine and use as the “attacking” machine.

f0rk [HackingGuy]
8 years ago


You’ll also want to spend a lot of time learning about the attack methods and how they are executed ( like Order 66 xD ).
Alot of ‘hackers’ just use the tools made by others, but the really elite ones, such as dloser, code many things on there own or simply just don’t use the popular tools. (Execpt for reversing maybe, but that’s really all I can think of)
There are many books on this, and if you want any I may have a few. ;)

8 years ago


Thanks Guys, for the replies and yes that’s EXACTLY what i want to use it for to protect my self against hackers and will not use this in illegal activities ;) i will only use it on my own property.

Books, blogs, tutorials anything is still welcome the more the merrier.

8 years ago


I would suggest some of the following:
- Google, blogs, forums, etc.
- Take a look at vulnhub, download a vulnerable machine and set up your own hacking lab. You can use vmware player for free to set up such lab.
- I’d suggest to learn a bit of python, and some basic linux stuff. I didn’t like those things at all at first, but love them now. You can use those skills for almost anything hacking related.

8 years ago


Oh, don’t forget to download a Kali Linux VM as your operating system to attack from. This OS has all the (hacking) tools needed.

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